Life Cancer Center

“Lung Cancer” can be cured if detected Early
Lung cancer is caused by the uncontrolled lung cells production that eventually form a cancerous tumor in the lung which will decrease the lung’s function

Life Cancer Center

Bleeding Gums Might be a Sign of Leukemia
Leukemia is a broad term of blood cancer caused by the overproduction of the abnormal white blood cells. Patients with Leukemia will easily get infection, feel exhausted, and have bleeding disorder like bleeding gums or bruises on the skin.

Life Cancer Center

Which parts of the body can have cancer?
Cancer is the most common cause of death in Thailand. You may have heard some kinds of cancer, like liver cancer, lung cancer

Life Cancer Center

Avoid the Risk Factors to Reduce the Risk of Having Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is caused by uncontrolled abnormal cell’s growth in tissues of the lung that form a malignant lung tumor. As you know, smoking is the main risk factor of lung cancer but there are other risk factors of lung cancer that you may not know.

Life Cancer Center

Prostate Cancer
The prostate is a gland residing between the bladder and penis. It lies in front of the rectum, and the urethra runs through it

Life Cancer Center

Thailand’s Colon Cancer Treatment Specialists
You’ll receive the best colon cancer surgery and treatment in Thailand at Vejthani Hospital in Bangkok. Read on to learn about the differences between colon cancer and rectal cancer.

Life Cancer Center

Thyroid Cancer is Treatable!
Raise your hand if you have a lump in your thyroid area. That lump might be a cancerous thyroid nodule. And, if you have left it untreated, it might spread to your lymph nodes and bones. But no worries! It’s treatable!

Life Cancer Center

Blood in the Stool, a Sign of Colorectal Cancer
A lot of people might misunderstand that blood in the stool is only a sign of hemorrhoid so they ignore it, but the truth is, blood in the stool is also a sign of colorectal cancer.

Life Cancer Center

Does Chemotherapy Cause Death?
Lots of people may be worried about the side effects of chemotherapy. In fact, chemotherapy doesn’t cause death but it causes side effects on the patients who got an infection because of the low level of white blood cell count.