Shoulder Hyperextensions May Lead to Rotator Cuff Tears
Shoulder hyperextensions can lead to rotator cuff tears. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that help to stabilize the shoulder joint. Hyperextending the shoulder can cause the rotator cuff tendons to tear

Treatment Methods for Rotator Cuff Tears
Rotator cuff tear caused by excessive use of the shoulder in the same position for a long period that leads to tendons degeneration. Other causes may include severe shoulder injuries which may happen when playing a high-impact sport. A torn rotator cuff may cause chronic shoulder pain, inability to lift the arm all the way and limited range of motion. All these symptoms can affect everyday life.

“Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation” is Treatable
Dislocated shoulder is a common disorder caused by a fall or bumping while playing high-impact sports, that causes the upper arm bone to pop out of the cup-shaped socket of the shoulder blade.

Shooting Pain in the arm when raising shoulder is a sign of Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Using your shoulders in repetitive motions, especially when raising hands continuously while painting walls, wiping windows, hanging clothes, cutting tree branches, and carrying or lifting heavy objects or sports players who are involved in activities that require frequent arm raising motions, such as basketball, badminton and swimming are all at risk of having rotator cuff tendinitis. Injuries that affect the rotator cuff can cause the condition to develop as well.

Shoulder pain…should not be tolerated
hronic shoulder pain from rotator cuff tendinitis does not only affect people’s everyday lives as it stops the ability to use the hand as needed, but they also suffer from a painful condition.

6 Signs indicating “Rotator Cuff Syndrome”
For those who have aforementioned symptoms or already have Rotator Cuff Syndrome, should seek immediate medical attention from a specialist to receive accurate treatment. Don't let your sufferings limit your daily activities or living your daily life.

3 Stages of Frozen Shoulder – Find out which stage you are in
Frozen Shoulder is a condition occurs from the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint that leads to shoulder pain. The condition progress to the extent where moving the shoulder becomes challenging.