Health Articles

3 Stages of Frozen Shoulder – Find out which stage you are in


Frozen Shoulder is a condition occurs from the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint that leads to shoulder pain. The condition progress to the extent where moving the shoulder becomes challenging. If left untreated, the symptom turns into a chronic pain in the shoulder. As a result, shoulder joint is unable to recover by itself and return to its normal function. Frozen Shoulder impacts our daily life in the long run.

Frozen Shoulder is classified in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 (First 3 months): Severe inflammation of shoulder joint. Inflicting extreme shoulder pain in patients.
  • Stage 2 (3-9 months): This is the stage where the pain starts to decrease but the stiffness in the shoulder joint develops. Causing difficulties during daily activities such as, combing hair, clipping bra straps at the back, and buttoning shirts.
  • Stage 3 (12-24 months): Pain and stiffness of the shoulder gradually subsides, and in most cases the overall symptoms get better by this stage. It takes more than two years in some patients to get back to their normal state.

Although our body can be recovered and frozen shoulder can be cured by itself, sometimes the healing period is as long as 2 years and that affects our daily life. Plus, there is a risk that the shoulder joint might not be fully recover or unable to return to its function as effectively as before. Thus, patients with symptoms of frozen shoulder should immediately see a specialist to receive a proper treatment.

There is no need to wait and suffer from pain. Getting an early and proper treatment allows you to return to the life you once had.

For more information, please contact

Orthopedics Center, 2nd Floor, King of Bones Building, Vejthani Hospital
Call +66 (0) 2734-0000 ext. 2298,2299
+66(0)85-223-8888 (English Hotline)

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