Health Articles

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Social Media’s Itchy Trigger Finger
Social Media's Itchy Trigger Finger An excessive use of finger including prolonged the same posture or holding too much weight are the main behaviors that lead to "Tenosynovitis". This disorder is nicknamed “Trigger Finger”. In this current digital age, people get attached to their smartphones and tablets. The repetitive finger movements used on the devices could also give rise to "trigger finger".

Correct “Sunken Chest” With Minimal Invasive Surgery
Sunken Chest Pectus Excavatum is the most common chest wall deformity that causes the breastbone and several ribs to grow abnormally,

Hemodialysis Center

Online Hemodiafiltration: Improves the Quality of Life in Patients With Kidney Failure
Online Hemodiafiltration Kidney failure occurs when your kidneys become unable to filter and remove the body’s waste. The kidneys play an important role in keeping the whole body clean and function properly by filtering the body wastes. When malfunction occur in the kidneys, the waste may go back in the blood and damage your body.

Snoring in Children: Could Be a Sign of Sleep Disorder
Snoring in Children Many parents may adore a small snoring noise of their children, but this lovely common condition may cause children to experience pauses

“HbA1c Test” The Most Important Indicator to Bring Diabetes Under Control
"HbA1c Test" The Most Important Indicator to Bring Diabetes Under Control Recent population’s lifestyle and their unknowing behaviors put themselves into diabetes risk. 

Endocrinology, Diabetes & Clinical Nutrition Center

Hyperthyroidism Affects the Entire Body
Hyperthyroidism Affects the Entire Body The thyroid is one of the largest endocrine gland located in front of the neck.

Pharmacy Robotic Dispensing Made Faster & Safer
Pharmacy Robotic Dispensing Made It Faster & Safer   As the world is moving forward, a variety of advanced innovations and new technologies has deployed to improve our quality of life.

Endocrinology, Diabetes & Clinical Nutrition Center

‘Scarless Thyroidectomy’: Rainbow after the Storm
Scarless Thyroidectomy “Thyroid” is the biggest endocrine gland in the body producing thyroid hormones to control the body’s metabolism, temperature, growth and brain development. When an abnormality occurs just like finding a lump or an enlargement of the thyroid gland

Women’s Health Center

Scarless Uterus Removal Surgeries Speed-Up Recovery
Scarless Uterus Removal Surgery At least once in a lifetime, many women are suffered from gynecological problems including diseases of the uterus (womb).