Health Articles

Social Media’s Itchy Trigger Finger


Social Media’s Itchy Trigger Finger

Social Media’s Itchy Trigger Finger An excessive use of finger including prolonged the same posture or holding too much weight are the main behaviors that lead to “Tenosynovitis”. This disorder is nicknamed “Trigger Finger”. In this current digital age, people get attached to their smartphones and tablets. The repetitive finger movements used on the devices could also give rise to “trigger finger”.

Trigger finger is believed to be caused by inflammation and thickness of the tendon sheath (A1-Pulley). Patients with trigger finger often present with pain and loss of motion of the affected finger.

Watch Out for Trigger Finger

Patients with trigger finger generally complain of hardly blending and or straightening the affected finger, especially in the morning and can be worse with heavy use of the hand. The severity of the trigger finger can be divided into 4 levels:

  1. Palm pain and tenderness at A-1 pulley area.
  2. Catching of digit but can actively extend the digit.
  3. Locking of digit, usually correctable by using the other hand to extend it.
  4. Locked digit, unable to make a tight fist.

How Can We Treat Trigger Finger?

  1. Prevent trigger finger by taking frequent breaks from repetitive activities. Put the affected finger in the warm water for approximately 5 minutes after wake up together with madication treatment.
  2. If symptoms persist, a steroid injection may be recommended directly into the A1-Pulley.
  3. Lastly, if symptoms are not improving, surgery is recommended to release the A1-Pulley, allows the tendon to glide freely.

The methodology and treatment procedure depends on orthopedic surgeon’s opinion based on the diagnosed and the severity of.
It is important to know that taking frequent breaks from repetitive activities is the key to prevent trigger finger. If you suffer from this disease, please consult your orthopedic surgeon.=

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