Health Articles

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The Difference of Uterine Fibroid in 3 Different Locations
Uterine fibroid is one of the most important disease that women should be aware of. Uterine fibroid can occur on every age but typically found on women aged between 30 – 40 years old. Only 20 – 30 %

Life Cancer Center

“Lung Cancer” can be cured if detected Early
Lung cancer is caused by the uncontrolled lung cells production that eventually form a cancerous tumor in the lung which will decrease the lung’s function

Thyroid Disease is a Life-threatening Disease
Do you experience abnormal metabolism, mood swing, and hair fall? These symptoms are signs of thyroid disease. You should seek medical diagnosis and treatment immediately in order to prevent the upcoming complications.

Hallux Valgus, an Enemy to Our Beauty
Hallux valgus, also known as bunion is an abnormal structure (deformity) of the big toe that tilts toward the smaller toes.

The Severity of Herniated Nucleus Pulposus
Headache, Neck pain, Back pain, and pain in several parts of the body might be the symptoms of “Herniated Nucleus Pulposus” which is caused by risky behaviors such as phone addiction, sitting in the wrong posture, or lifting heavy things.

Life Cancer Center

Bleeding Gums Might be a Sign of Leukemia
Leukemia is a broad term of blood cancer caused by the overproduction of the abnormal white blood cells. Patients with Leukemia will easily get infection, feel exhausted, and have bleeding disorder like bleeding gums or bruises on the skin.

Fix Your Degenerative Knee with these 3 Treatment Options
There are 3 treatment options for knee osteoarthritis, however, the doctor will be the one who considers which treatment that best suits with each patient, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Life Cancer Center

Which parts of the body can have cancer?
Cancer is the most common cause of death in Thailand. You may have heard some kinds of cancer, like liver cancer, lung cancer

Super Kid’s Center

Get to Know More about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Children
Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV in short, is classified as a Pneumovirus which is a viral infection virus that can spread quickly through respiratory droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs.