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Fire drill practice news
On December 13, 2019, Vejthani Hospital has organized the fire drill of the year 2019 in order to train broad of directors, doctors, dentists, as well as medical staff and officers to be prepared in case of fire to reduce the risk of the loss of life and property of all patients and hospital’s staff.

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Clinical Care Program Certification (CCPC)
CCPC is the certification standard provided by Joint Commission International (JCI), a nonprofit international organization that identifies, measures, and shares best practices in quality, patient safety, international healthcare standard with hospitals worldwide.

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Certificate of Distinction - Vejthani Hospital

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Bệnh viện Vejthani gần đây đã được chứng nhận thế giới
Vào ngày 23/08/2019 vừa qua Bệnh viện Vejthani là bệnh viện đầu tiên trên thế giới được chứng nhận bởi Chương trình Chăm sóc Lâm sàng (CCPC) về điều trị "vô sinh" từ Ủy

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Trao đổi tiền tệ SuperRich
Vejthani Hospital now provides currency exchange service with SuperRich Currency Exchange available daily from 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM, G Floor

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Announcement Regarding Valsartan – Blood Pressure Medication
The Food and Drug Administration of Thailand (FDA) has recalled some batches of Valsartan, a medicine used to control blood pressure after the finding