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Result 1 - of

2 VACCINES PRICE 7,900 BAHT (normal price 9,500 baht) Prevents all 4 strains of dengue fever 80.2% Reduce hospital admission rate by 90.4% Can be given to people regardless of whether they have had vaccines or not without checking for immunity.

Women’s Cancer Screening Programs
Conditions Valid from today until 31 st December 2024 This price includes doctor's fee and nursing fee. Women are recommended to do the check-up 7-10 days

Premarital Check-up Program
This package price is included of doctor’s fees and hospital service charge. This price is applicable from today until 31 st December, 2024.

Heart Arrhythmia Screening package
Package details Physical examination by a cardiologist Chest X-Ray (PA Upright) Electrocardiogram (EKG) Complete Blood Count (CBC) Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) Creatinine test High Density Lipoprotein test (HDL) Low Density

“REZUM WATER VAPOR THERAPY” – The Ultimate Treatment Option for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 
THE BEST TREATMENT OPTION FOR BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA: “REZUM WATER VAPOR THERAPY” No medications needed Normal urination Unaffected sexual health 229,000 THB

Genetic Screening – Unlock Your Personal Genetic Code
Genetic Screening Unlock Your Personal Genetic Code Genetic Cancer Screening Genetic Cardiovascular Screening Genetic Brain Screening

Is Your Heart Strong Enough?
Did you know you can have a heart attack without any warning signs? Heart failure and heart disease don't show the same signs for everyone. Are you having any of these risks? Family history of cardiovascular disease

Diabetes Screening Package
Diabetes Terms of Service The patient must refrain from eating or driking for at least 8-12 hours prior to the checkup. This package price is included of doctor's fees and hospital service charge.

Health Check Up Program
Annual health check up plays a crucial role in maintaining your physical and mental well-being. Proactively identifying risk factors and screening for diseases in the early stage when you are still healthy allows you to make the right lifestyle choices.