Life Cancer Center

Chemotherapy is a Powerful Weapon
Vejthani Hospital in Bangkok uses chemotherapy as one of the weapons in its arsenal to battle cancer. This vital weapon is just one facet of an increasingly successful campaign

Life Cancer Center

Avoid Risky Behaviors to Keep Yourself Away from Colon Cancer
Daily practices, especially bad eating habits such as consuming fast foods; high fat, low fiber foods, alcoholic beverages or smoking regularly are common factors leading to colon cancer development.

Life Cancer Center

Treating Cancer For The Better Life
Treating Cance Cancer is the major public health problem worldwide as the number of new cancer diagnoses and cancer deaths has been continuously increasing every year. This also generates more awareness of the disease and the methods of treatment.

Life Cancer Center

Chemotherapy to Treat Cancer
Chemotherapy, also called “chemo,” it’s a way to treat cancer that uses drugs to kill cancer cells.