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Spine Center

Get a Safe, and Secure Spinal Surgery
A lot of patients might have stress and are afraid of getting a spine surgery because it is a major surgery. Moreover, there are a lot of important nerves around the spine that the spine surgeon needs to be cautious of during the surgery.

How to Constructively Discuss and Deal with Stress during COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 crisis may be stressful for people around the world because they have been facing uncertainties towards their health, financial stability, and many other things that affects their metal health. Here is how to constructively discuss and deal with stress during COVID-19 crisis.

Life Cancer Center

Primary Treatment for Breast Cancer
Besides COVID-19, cancer is also a disease that we need to be cautious of in order to prevent delays in treatment. Let’s see the primary treatment for breast cancer.

Say Goodbye to Erectile Dysfunction
Say goodbye to Erectile Dysfunction problem by taking Natural Nano Zinc L-methionine that can be easily absorbed into the body and can be taken with with other medicines.

Life Cancer Center

What kind of lump in the breast is a cancer?
Breast cancer is one of the most common women’s cancers and it is increasing every year. All women are at risk of breast cancer. Hence, checking yourself is an important thing to do. If you have palpated a lump in your breast, it doesn’t always mean that it is a cancer, it is probably a cyst or tumor.

How to Constructively Discuss and Deal with Stress during COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 crisis may be stressful for people around the world because they have been facing uncertainties towards their health, financial stability, and many other things that affects their metal health.

The Amount of COVID-19 Virus in Different Secretions
“Secretion” is a substance formed in and given off by a gland that usually performs different useful functions in the body. When the COVID-19 virus gets into the body, it will accumulate in different secretions in unequal quantities. According to a study, the COVID-19

Rotator Cuff Tear can be repaired by Arthroscopic Surgery
Chronic shoulder pain caused by rotator cuff tear can affect our daily life because the ability to move the arm is decreased. The patient will sometimes experience pain around the shoulder and around the elbow. If left untreated, it will get more severe and harm the other tendons.

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Smartphone COVID-19 Virus-Free
Smartphones or mobile phones are some of the virus carriers that people might overlook. Smartphones are always covered in bacteria and viruses. Hence, proper disinfection of our smartphones is a must. Here are 5 easy ways to use and keep our smartphones free from the virus, especially during this COVID-19 outbreak.