Impaired Metabolism Thwarts Your Weight Loss Efforts
Many people may have faced the problem of being unable to lose weight despite rigorously exercising and following a strict diet. All the weight loss strategies may seem ineffective for these people, not to mention

A New method of “Losing Weight” under Medical Care
Many people may have issues with being overweight, but regardless of multiple tries, they are still unable to lose. The first things they tend to do are fasting and excessively exercising while being unaware that it is the wrong method of losing weight. Because starving may cause significant weight to bounce back or result in the Yo-Yo effect in the long run.

“Obesity”, a Silent Threat that Poses a Risk of Illness
“Obesity” rate is continuously increasing every year, especially among working-age populations who have limited time for self-care. Obesity occurs when there is an excess accumulation of body fats, raising the risk of developing many diseases, such as:

Don’t Ignore “Irregular Periods” they could be a sign of Enlarged Uterus
Women with abnormal menstruations, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, extremely painful cramps, passing blood clots during menstruation, pelvic and abdominal pain, throbbing or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, and painful intercourse

6 Types of Body Fat
Talking about “fat”, many people might think of the fat in the abdomen or belly fat. In fact, excessive fat doesn’t occur only in the abdomen but in different locations of the body.

How Many Calories Should You Consume in A Day?
Many people usually say that “I did not eat that much, but why do I gain more weight”. o you know that little bites of snacks or foods that you eat during

Weight Control Pen: The Magic Pen for Overweight People
Nowadays, there are several safe and effective medical treatment for overweight and obesity such as medication, injection, gastric balloon insertion, and gastric bypass surgery.

Liraglutide Injection: A New Treatment Option for Overweight
Are you facing this problem? The more you try to lose weight, the more you gain it. It’s because you lose your weight in the wrong way such as skipping dinner, consuming only

Does Fasting Work for Weight Loss?
A lot of people skip their dinner or maybe have just a bowl of vegetable just because they want to lose weight but unfortunately, they did not lose any weight.