Spine Center

Treating Chronic Back Pain that Could Be a Sign of Herniated Disc
Lower Back Pain Radiating Down the Leg & Numbness? Don't Ignore It! Explore Herniated Disc Causes, Severity, and Treatment Options

Spine Center

From Neck to Spine: Understanding How Chronic Neck Pain Can Radiate
Chronic neck pain can significantly impact the quality of life, affecting various aspects such as work, sports, and daily activities.

Spine Center

4 Self-care Measures to Prevent Back Pain
Prevent back pain with these 4 self-care measures. Learn exercises, stretches, and posture tips to improve your spine health and reduce discomfort. Incorporate these habits into your daily routine to maintain a healthy and pain-free back.

Spine Center

3 Degrees of Severity for Cervical Spondylosis
Mild: There is no spinal cord compression associated, but the patient may experience pain in the neck, shoulder, and shoulder blades.

Spine Center

Spinal Stenosis – A Common Disease in Elderly
Spinal Stenosis, or a narrowing of the spinal canal, is a disease commonly found in elderly people. The disease is caused by spinal degeneration that affects the discs, tendons and joints in the spinal cord area.

Spine Center

Beware, Back Pain among Office Workers may be a Sign of Herniated Disc
Back pain in general may only seem like a common symptom among office workers or those who sit in front of a computer for a long time

Spine Center

Leaving Scoliosis Untreated Leads to Rapid Degeneration
Normally spinal cord deteriorates from being used and from ageing, especially for patients over 40 years old. Initial signs of deterioration include neck pain and lower back pain.

Spine Center

How Is Scoliosis Surgery Performed?
Scoliosis surgery is performed by attaching small screws to the spine and use a special rod to attach each of the screws together, while adjusting the angles of the spine to straighten the curve. In the past

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Scoliosis could be the cause of Difficulty Breathing and Tiredness..
When it comes to scoliosis, many people are not aware of having this disease and may unintentionally discover it during a yearly health check through a chest X-ray. This would make them wonder if the disease is dangerous and what are the steps that should be taken.