Health Articles

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Internal Medicine Center

Summer’s Silent Killer: Your Essential Guide to Preventing and Defeating Heatstroke
Find out how to prevent and defeat heatstroke, a hidden danger lurking in hot weather. Learn the signs, symptoms, and effective prevention strategies to keep yourself and loved ones safe.

Neuroscience Center

Groundbreaking Approach to Treat Cerebral Aneurysm: Biplane DSA and the Future of Neurointervention
Discover how Biplane DSA technology offers a minimally invasive and precise solution for cerebral aneurysm. Learn how this method is transforming patients with cerebral aneurysm.

Women’s Health Center

Scarless Laparoscopic Surgery: Advanced Treatment for Uterine Fibroid
Scarless laparoscopic surgery for uterine fibroids is advanced treatment, has minimal pain, faster recovery, and minimal scarring. Find out if you're a candidate and discover how this innovative procedure can improve your well-being.

Robotic Knee Replacement Center

Total Knee Replacement with Technological Breakthrough – Rosa Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Experience a smoother, more precise knee replacement journey. Discover how Rosa robotic-assisted surgery is revolutionizing total knee replacements, offering potential benefits like increased accuracy, faster recovery, and minimized pain. Learn more about this innovative technology and explore if it's right for you!

Breast Center

Don’t Ignore Breast Calcifications, Certain Patterns Could be Alarming
Find out the truth about breast calcifications. Learn how to recognize potentially concerning patterns and gain essential information to discuss with your doctor. Don't wait, empower yourself with knowledge!

Cardiac Center

Treating Severe CAD: Exploring the Benefits of Off-Pump CABG
Coronary artery disease, or coronary artery stenosis, occurs when the coronary arteries narrow or become blocked, resulting in inadequate blood supply to nourish the heart muscles.

Robotic Knee Replacement Center

Start Walking Again in 12 hours after Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee osteoarthritis is a crucial problem among older adults. It does not only impact everyday lives when standing, walking, or sitting but also leads to chronic knee pain and deformity if left untreated for a long time.

Robotic Knee Replacement Center

Hip Joint Pain: Advanced Treatment & When to Seek Medical Attention
Explore advanced treatments for hip joint pain and discover when to seek medical attention. Learn about minimally invasive options, recovery timelines, and how to get back to living your life.

Advanced Rehabilitation Center

Snoezelen: A Path to Better Quality of Life for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Discover how a Snoezelen Room, a multi-sensory environment, can transform the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy. Explore its benefits for motor skills, communication, and overall well-being. Learn how this innovative approach can improve their quality of life and unlock their potential.