Neuroscience Center

How Cerebrovascular Disease Can Impact Your Memory
Cerebrovascular disease or stroke often affects various aspects of brain function, one of which is memory loss. Currently, MoCA is used as a screening test to detect memory loss after a stroke.

Neuroscience Center

Groundbreaking Approach to Treat Cerebral Aneurysm: Biplane DSA and the Future of Neurointervention
Discover how Biplane DSA technology offers a minimally invasive and precise solution for cerebral aneurysm. Learn how this method is transforming patients with cerebral aneurysm.

Neuroscience Center

Raising Awareness: The Urgent Reality of Brain Tumors
Headaches, slurred speech, weakness? Recognize brain tumor signs & treatments - early diagnosis is key! Learn what neurosurgeon says about new technology like Biplane DSA in the treatment of brain tumor.

Neuroscience Center

3 Warning Signs of Severe Headache that Might Save You from Cerebrovascular Disease
Headache a silent scream? 3 Urgent signs that could save you from a stroke. Expert care & personalized action plan at Vejthani Hospital

Neuroscience Center

Early Detection and Swift Intervention of Cerebrovascular Disease Reduces the Risk of Paresis and Paralysis
Cerebrovascular disease, a common condition affecting blood vessels in the brain, can lead to paresis or paralysis if left untreated. Early detection and prompt intervention are crucial to reducing the risk of these debilitating consequences.

Neuroscience Center

Blanking Out or Staring into Space could be a Symptom of Epilepsy that Worth Your Attention
Blanking out or staring into space could be a symptom of epilepsy, a chronic neurological disorder that causes seizures.

Neuroscience Center

Transcarotid Artery Revascularization is a Promising Treatment Method for Carotid Artery Disease
Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) is an established medical procedure that offers a minimally invasive solution to treat carotid artery disease and reduce the risk of strokes in the future. TCAR has a distinctive approach of using advanced technology

Neuroscience Center

Overview of Glioma
Gliomas are a kind of malignant tumor that grows in the brain tissue or spinal cord in people of any age and gender as a result of uncontrolled growth of glial cells. There are many types of gliomas, some of which can be fatal as they grow fast and may be hard to treat with surgery. 

Neuroscience Center

Sleepwalking or Constipation could be one of the signs of Parkinson’s Disease
Common signs of Parkinson's disease that are widely known are tremors, muscle rigidity, and impaired mobility. However, Parkinson's disease also causes bowel problems, constipation, and sleepwalking. If these symptoms occur, seek medical care immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.