Snoezelen: A Path to Better Quality of Life for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Discover how a Snoezelen Room, a multi-sensory environment, can transform the lives of children with Cerebral Palsy. Explore its benefits for motor skills, communication, and overall well-being. Learn how this innovative approach can improve their quality of life and unlock their potential.

Enhancing Rehabilitation Experience for Stroke Patients with Robot-Assisted Arm Training
Strokes are caused by rupturing, narrowing, or blocking blood vessels in the brain. This causes damage to the brain tissue, weakness of the arms and legs

Young People with Sedentary Lifestyle are at Risk of Losing Muscle Mass
During the COVID-19 outbreak, many people had a sedentary lifestyle, not getting enough exercise and consuming insufficient protein.

Reducing Pain with Red Cord Suspension
suspension that is used in conjunction with neurac method is the treatment that aims to restore normal function of the muscles through a high level of individualized neuromuscular stimulation exercise

Robotic-Assisted Rehabilitation Increases the Chance of Successful Gait & Balance Training
How is Robotic-Assisted Rehabilitation Better than Conventional Therapy? Robotic-assisted rehabilitation involves Task-Specific and Highly Repetitive Training, which stimulates nervous system that controls rhythmic motor pattern such as walking

Red Cord Suspension, a Revolutionary Method of Rehabilitation for Pain Relief
A lot of people may be suffering from chronic pain that even though they have undergone several treatment procedures, the pain is still there and the severity has continued to increase. This affects their daily activities

Total “Pain” Solutions
Physical therapy can be used for pain relief in patients who suffer from office syndrome, neuropathic pain and arthritis. A rehabilitation specialist or also known as

All Types of Pain and Aches Can be relieved through Physical Therapy
Many people tend to overlook the importance of Physical therapy and think it that it can be replaced with light exercise. Physical therapy or rehabilitation is a restoration of physical health that uses special physical therapy modalities under the care of rehabilitation specialists.