Health Articles

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Epidural Steroid Injection for Back Pain Treatment
Back pain is a common problem that neurosurgeons confront in everyday working because of trauma, civilised lifestyle or inappropriate working ergonomics .

Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery Clinic
According to New York Magazine, Rhinoplasty Surgery is the fourth most popular form of cosmetic surgery in the world, with numerous people undergoing it every year.

Arrhythmia Bangkok Thailand : Vejthani Heart Center
The Vejthani Heart Center at Vejthani Hospital provides full range of services and it is state-of-art equipped, to provide heart disease treatment.

Things you should know about Hemorrhoids and painless HAL-RAR Treatment
HAL-RAR Hemorrhoids, better known as Piles, refers to swollen blood vessels in lower part of the rectum and anus (together known as anorectum) that causes pain and irritation especially when defecating.

Vejthani Q-Life Center

Forget the saying “Enjoy your youth. You’ll never be younger than you are at this very moment.” Youth has no age. In this highly civilized world, there has been a lot of emerging ways to defy aging physically.

Special Angels
Every parent is looking forward to have a healthy and lovely child but sometimes some genetic disorders strike these precious angels, who needs more attention and these children are therefore referred to as “special children”.

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center

Vejthani HPB Clinic A Total Solution to Liver, Pancreas and Biliary Tract Problems
Abdominal pain usually is no reason for concern; generally it’s merely a sign of indigestion or gas. On the other hand, whether it’s a mild stomach ache

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center

Hepatitis: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
There are 5 kinds of Hepatitis viruses, which include hepatitis virus A, B, C, D and E, with most common viruses being hepatitis virus B and C and less common are hepatitis virus D and E.

Breast Center

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Detection
Breast Cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow out of control. The cancer spreads very rapidly into and around the breast tissue and will typically travel wither through the lymphatic system or through blood vessels to other parts of the body.