Cardiac Center

Treating Severe CAD: Exploring the Benefits of Off-Pump CABG
Coronary artery disease, or coronary artery stenosis, occurs when the coronary arteries narrow or become blocked, resulting in inadequate blood supply to nourish the heart muscles.

Cardiac Center

Holiday Heart Syndrome: The Hidden Health Risks of Heavy New Year’s Celebrations
New Year's cheer comes with hidden risks. "Holiday Heart Syndrome" can strike from overindulgence, causing irregular heartbeats. Learn the warning signs and party safely!

Cardiac Center

Beating Heart Bypass Surgery: Understanding Off-Pump CABG
Explore the revolutionary realm of Beating Heart Bypass Surgery with our in-depth guide to Off-Pump CABG. Uncover the innovative techniques, benefits, and expertise required for a safer, quicker recovery, ensuring a healthier future.

Cardiac Center

Abnormal Heart Rate above 100 poses the Risk of Fainting caused by Cardiac Arrhythmia
Generally, people have a resting heart rate of 50–100 beats per minute. However, when the heart rate goes over 100 beats per minute without physical movement, one of the following symptoms of a cardiac arrhythmia may arise:

Cardiac Center

Acute Myocardial Infarction may Lead to Sudden Death
Although some people may seem to be healthy from the outside, it does not mean they don’t have a disease hidden in their body. Oftentimes, people who seem to be fit, die without a known cause or any warning signs. One of the diseases that commonly cause death is “acute myocardial infarction”.

Cardiac Center

Heart Checkup Reduces the Risk of Acute Heart Failure
These days, acute heart failure is not far away from us anymore, as it may deprive people of their own lives or their loved ones without warning. The signs must not be ignored. Undergoing heart checkups regularly is an essential key.

Cardiac Center

Passing out or having rapid heartbeats could be signs of heart arrhythmia. Leaving it untreated, may lead to fatality
Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat that is either too slow or too fast to the extent where it reduces the efficiency of blood flow to feed the organs throughout the body. This disease can also pose a fatal risk of heart failure or stroke.

Cardiac Center

Check List: 5 Symptoms of Cardiac Arrhythmia
Palpitations, heart pounding, panting, chest pain, dizziness, fainting and falling unconscious are initial symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia. However, most patients

Cardiac Center

Cardiac Arrhythmia can be treated with Radiofrequency Ablation
Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat that is either too slow or too fast to the extent where it reduces the efficiency of blood flow to feed the organs throughout the body. This disease can also pose a fatal risk of heart failure or stroke.