Health Articles

Holiday Heart Syndrome: The Hidden Health Risks of Heavy New Year’s Celebrations


The New Year’s chorus of cheers and clinking glasses often comes with spirited jubilation vibes, featuring lively New Year’s Eve parties with gatherings, food, and alcohol. Overextending the festive frenzy with nights of endless partying can leave your body yearning for rest, potentially triggering this uninvited guest, Holiday Heart Syndrome—an unsuspected irregular heartbeat.

Dr. Zaida Buransin , the cardiologist at Vejthani Hospital, explained that heart disease tends to show no apparent symptoms in the early stage. While Holiday Heart Syndrome or acute atrial fibrillation, a sudden surge of irregular heartbeat, can arrive without warning, particularly during busy holidays, many underlying risk factors often go unnoticed. The disease does not leave warning signs before it happens. It can occur in anyone but particularly young people who are sleep-deprived, stay up late, party hard for several nights in a row, drink excessive alcohol, or consume alcohol for an extended period. Common symptoms include lack of energy, chest pain or tightness, dizziness, lightheadedness, rapid and irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, and fatigue. If you or someone you cherish feels any of these symptoms, seek your doctor immediately.

The causes of Holiday Heart Syndrome arise from various factors:

  • Heavy alcohol consumption: Stimulates the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly.
  • Sleep deprivation during the holidays: Disrupts the natural rhythm of the heart.
  • Dehydration from alcohol consumption
  • Stress from socializing during the holidays

Ensuring your well-being during the New Year celebrations to ward off illness could be easily controlled. Consuming alcohol in moderation, taking breaks from alcohol consumption, or participating in alternative activities instead of drinking could help. It’s equally vital to steer clear of high-sodium and high-fat foods, as unregulated eating habits can affect the heart’s function. Amid the New Year festivities, prioritizing adequate rest becomes crucial to prevent fatigue and build-up exhaustion from insufficient sleep over consecutive nights. This can drag down your post-holiday productivity and elevate the risk of Holiday Heart Syndrome.

The treatment of Holiday Heart Syndrome depends on the severity of the condition. Your cardiologist may prescribe medications for irregular heartbeats and recommend patients to reduce alcohol consumption and avoid all the factors that cause Holiday Heart Syndrome. Staying well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water is essential to prevent dehydration.

For more information, please contact

Cardiac Center, Vejthani Hospital.
Tel. 02-734-0000 Ext. 5300
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

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