Why Choose
Vejthani Hospital?

We deliver care and services that prioritize your needs.

Vejthani comprises a team of top-notch medical experts and specialists who attentively listen to your medical concerns, comprehend your treatment objectives, and collaborate as a cohesive unit to precisely diagnose and effectively treat your medical condition. Our aim is to facilitate your swift recovery, allowing you to resume your everyday life expeditiously.

A team of experts in each medical specialty is responsible for constructing your treatment plan.

Ensure that Vejthani provides state-of-the-art treatment options for complex health issues. Making accurate diagnoses right from the start increases the chance of successful treatment in the early stage. We continuously incorporate the most advanced treatment approaches, offering hope and uplifting experience at every step of your healthcare journey.

Treat with Compassions and Personalized Care

Committed to developing a tailored approach for your well-being, our medical specialists place importance on crafting a plan that suits your specific needs. They will comprehensively evaluate your condition and collaborate to design a personalized plan aligned with your objectives to simplify your experience, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery journey.

World-Class International Patient Care. We make stressful healthcare journeys easier than ever.

We understand that traveling from home to receive treatment abroad can be stressful. Our International Patient Advocates are committed to delivering personalized and empathetic care. They will be your primary contact, assisting you through every step of your travel and healthcare journey: from the first moment you contact us, all the way to your arrival, during your treatment, departure, and even after you have returned home.

International Patient Care Services include:

  • Answering your queries
  • Scheduling doctor’s appointments
  • Language assistance from native healthcare advocates
  • Hospital transportation
  • Accommodation reservation
  • International insurance coordination
  • Visa extension
  • V-Flight air ambulance service