International Patients Services

International Customer service

Pre-Arrival Services

  • Treatment plan
  • Pre-appointment / Pre-registration
  • Transportation arrangement (airport pick-up and AOT pick-up services)
  • Providing invitation letter for visa application
  • Residence reservation
  • Hotline services

Arrival Services

  • Customer service
  • Translation and interpretation services by our multilingual team: Amharic, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Nepalese, Russian, Vietnamese and others
  • Patient registration
  • Appointment request
  • Transportation arrangement (hotel to hospital and vice versa)
  • Visa extension assistance
  • Tickets re-booking
  • Repatriation assistance

Contact Information

English Hotline (+66)85-223- 8888 WhatsApp (+66)85-223- 8888 Email: [email protected]
Bangladeshi Hotline (+66)85-485- 2333 WhatsApp (+66)85-485- 2333 Email: [email protected]
Cambodian Hotline (+66)89-201- 9000 Telegram (+66)89-201- 9000 Email: [email protected]
Chinese Hotline (+66)84-751- 6222 WeChat (vejthani-china) Email: [email protected]
Ethiopian Hotline (+66)90-907- 2560 WhatsApp (+66)90-907- 2560 Email: [email protected]
Myanmar Hotline (+66)81-984- 5111 Viber (+66)81-984- 5111 Email: [email protected]
Russian Hotline (+66)85-230- 5555 Telegram (+66)85-230- 5555 Email: [email protected]
Vietnamese Hotline (+66)97-291- 3351 Zalo (+66)97-291- 3351 Email: [email protected]
Arabic Hotline (+66)84-875-6622 WhatsApp (+66)84-875-6622 Email: [email protected]

Office Locations

Vejthani Hospital Booth at Suvarnabhumi Airport
2nd Floor, Arrival Hall, Near Gate 10, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand Service Hours: Open 24 hours

International Customer Service
2nd Floor, Building A left side of elevator, Vejthani Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand Service Hours: 08:00 AM. - 05:00 PM.