6 Stages of Varicose Veins and the Importance of Early Treatment

Varicose veins progress through six stages; the condition should not be overlooked, as untreated veins could lead to chronic wounds.

Varicose veins are abnormal enlargements and twisting of veins that can be categorized based on their depth: telangiectasia and reticular veins, which people often see as capillaries, and varicose veins, which are more extensive, more profound, and visible in thinner people. Beyond cosmetic concerns, varicose veins can cause heaviness, discomfort, or pain in the calves. Leaving the disease untreated can progress to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which is the result of the pooling of blood over time, causing high blood pressure in the veins or venous hypertension.

Chronic venous insufficiency is divided into six stages according to its symptoms as follows:

  • Stage 1: Capillary veins are seen on the skin (telangiectasia, reticular vein). The patient usually does not have any symptoms. The most concerning issue in this phase is about cosmetics.
  • Stage 2: The varicose veins in the subcutaneous layer are curved and more prominent. Patients may experience heaviness in their calves, cramps, and even muscle pulling when sitting or standing for too long.
  • Stage 3: Chronic venous insufficiency causes swelling legs, heaviness, or pain in the calves.
  • Stage 4: Darkening, drying, and thinning skin. Chronic inflammation on the skin, especially above the ankle.
  • Stage 5: Scars on the legs, especially around the ankles, caused by recently healed wounds.
  • Stage 6: Wounds on the legs, especially around the ankles. The wound often has an uneven edge, the deep center would be damp and red, and the surrounding skin would have chronic inflammation.

Currently, minimally invasive surgical treatment is as effective as traditional surgery. It can be done using thermal ablation, which is endovenous laser treatment (EVLA) or endovenous radiofrequency ablation therapy (EVRFA), and non-thermal ablation, which is sclerotherapy and endovenous cyanoacrylate closure. This approach will help destroy the veins so there is no blood flowing, which causes high venous blackness. This method is the latest surgical technique that has been gaining popularity and provides better treatment results than traditional surgery. This procedure leaves a small wound (2-3 mm), resulting in minimal discomfort with reduced risk of complications, and can be done on an outpatient basis.

For more information, please contact

Surgery Center, Vejthani Hospital.
Call +66 (0) 2734-0000 Ext. 4500, 4501
English Hotline: +66 (0) 85-223-8888

Chronic Sinusitis Can Lead to Severe Complications

If you experience persistent nasal congestion, thick green or yellow mucus, coughing for several weeks, headaches, or bad breath, you could be having warning signs of sinusitis, which is a common condition affecting children and adults. Leaving it untreated could lead to acute sinusitis and other severe complications such as nasal polyps or tumors.

Dr. Bannawat Tantikun, a rhinologist at Vejthani Hospital, explains that sinusitis is caused by inflammation of the lining of the sinus cavities. There are four pairs of cavities, including the Frontal Sinus, Ethmoid Sinus, Maxillary Sinus, and Sphenoid Sinus. The inflammation can happen in every position of the sinus.

Sinusitis shares similar symptoms to the common cold and allergies, but they are more severe and last longer. It could be a stuffy nose, thick green or yellow mucus, and postnasal drip, which irritates the throat and leads to more coughing, bad breath, headache, and pain around the temple, nose, eyebrows, or forehead. Fever and swollen eyes could present in severe cases.

The type of sinusitis can be categorized as follows: 

  1. Acute Sinusitis is usually caused by viral or bacterial infections. As the infection inflames, it leads to more mucus and a stuffy nose, lasting no more than four weeks.
  2. Subacute is the inflammation of the sinus that occurs between 4-12 weeks.
  3. Chronic Sinusitis is the advanced stage of the condition, characterized by chronic inflammation that has not developed from an infection. The symptoms can persist for more than 12 weeks and are primarily found in patients with allergies.

Various factors can cause sinusitis. Flu is the most common cause, especially for people with sleep deprivation or allergies, which can lead to persistent swollen nasal mucosa. Abnormalities inside the nasal cavity, such as a deviated nasal septum or enlarged turbinates, can block the openings to the sinuses and cause nasal polyps or tumors.

The complications of sinusitis

  • Eye problems: The tissues around the eye could be inflamed, causing symptoms such as a swollen eye, eye pain, pain when moving eyes, double vision, or blurred vision.
  • Brain problems: headache, nausea, vomiting, double vision, blurred vision, muscle weakness, and a high fever.
  • Sinusitis can affect both the upper and lower respiratory tracts, causing complications such as otitis media, tinnitus, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.

The diagnosis of sinusitis starts by taking a medical history, physical examination, and nasal endoscopy. In the case of chronic sinusitis that requires surgery, or patients with multiple chronic conditions, further tests like CT scans may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis and severity of the disease.

The treatment for acute sinusitis primarily involves antibiotics and medicine to reduce swelling. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics depending on the severity and the type of infection. For chronic sinusitis, the doctor recommends nasal corticosteroids or saline nasal spray as treatment. However, if the symptoms do not improve, surgery might be the best solution to cure sinusitis. Presently, nasal endoscopic surgery is the preferred choice for surgeons as it provides a clear image of the surgical site and allows a precise removal of the inflamed tissues. The surgery is performed by inserting the equipment through the nostrils, causing no external scar. It is a safe approach that has reduced blood loss, minimizes post-operative pain, improves respiratory function, and expedites recovery.

Nonetheless, a self-care guide for sinusitis is to get sufficient sleep, follow a consistent exercise routine, avoid smoking and drinking, consume 7-8 cups of water daily, and stay away from dust and areas with sudden temperature changes, such as moving from hot to cool atmosphere immediately. If the severity progresses, consult a doctor, take medicine, and receive continuous treatment.

For more information, contact

ENT Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 3400
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

How Cerebrovascular Disease Can Impact Your Memory

Cerebrovascular disease or stroke often affects various aspects of brain function, one of which is memory loss. Currently, MoCA is used as a screening test to detect memory loss after a stroke. The detection helps with treatment planning and prevents the risk of dementia from the early stage of a stroke.

Dr. Waratchaya Walailaksanaporn, a neurologist at Vejthani Hospital, explains that cerebrovascular disease or stroke is caused by an acute lack of blood supply to the brain. This leads to the deterioration and dysfunction of brain cells, which causes various effects on the body.

“Memory loss” is one of the most common side effects of cerebrovascular disease. Up to 50% of stroke patients will have memory loss within one year, and it has been found that 1 in 3 stroke patients will have memory loss to the extent of being diagnosed with dementia.

Early symptoms of memory loss include forgetfulness, difficulty thinking, difficulty finding the right words, trouble planning, slow decision-making, and decreased concentration. Some patients may also experience language difficulties. All of these symptoms can significantly affect daily life, especially for stroke patients who are still working.

The initial screening test for memory loss is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The test takes approximately 30 minutes. Although it is used in the early stages of cerebrovascular disease, it cannot solely attribute memory problems to the stroke itself. Several hidden factors may contribute, including mineral deficiencies, being on multiple medications, and anxiety from a severe illness or other psychological conditions that can affect memory. A long-term screening test is recommended after initially overcoming the disease. If abnormalities indicate brain function problems, the doctor will advise further investigation to pinpoint the exact cause.

Medication can relieve memory loss after a stroke. The goal of the treatment is to help improve memory in stroke patients. However, patients may experience side effects from the medicine, such as dizziness and diarrhea. Memory loss can also be treated with brain training methods using Virtual Reality simulations to stimulate memory. This approach has shown that it can restore memory better than traditional brain training. It also helps reduce forgetfulness and difficulty thinking and increases concentration on work.

“Studies have revealed that in patients with cerebrovascular disease who later experience memory issues, the cause can be attributed to the recurrence of the cerebrovascular disease. Other causes could be the narrowing or blockage of small blood vessels in the brain. Therefore, risk factors that cause stroke, such as blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol level, should be controlled. Also, abstaining from smoking is very important to prevent repeated strokes, which may lead to memory loss,” said Dr. Waratchaya.

Apart from memory loss, stroke can also cause other complications, including hemiplegia, slurred speech, vision problems, swallowing difficulties, and emotional problems. Stroke patients should monitor their symptoms with their doctors and schedule follow-up appointments so that the doctors can assess the risks and possible complications. Early detection is the key to unlocking your full potential for quality life.

For more information, please contact

Neuroscience Center, Vejthani Hospital.
Tel. 02-734-0000 Ext. 5400
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

Treating Chronic Back Pain that Could Be a Sign of Herniated Disc


Lower back pain is a common complaint among working adults and is often dismissed as a minor health concern. However, sharp pain radiating from the back to the legs with numbness and muscle weakness can be a crucial indicator of a severe condition – a herniated disc, which can lead to paralysis.

Dr. Ekkaphol Larpumnuayphol, spine surgeon at Vejthani Hospital, explains that herniated disc, also known as spinal disc herniation, is a type of degenerative condition that occurs when the soft, gel-like substance in the center of spinal disc bulges or ruptures and compresses the nerves. This condition can occur after excessive use of the spine, such as lifting heavy objects, injuries that affect the spinal cord, or deterioration from age.

Herniated discs can occur in any position along the spine, from the neck to the lower part, causing back pain. Most patients will have muscle pain in the middle or lower back, which may present on one or both sides. The symptoms will worsen when coughing, sneezing, or bending over. In severe cases, numbness and muscle weakness may also arise.

The Severity of Herniated Disc

  1. Initial Stage: When the spinal cord starts to deteriorate, back pain will be on and off. Over time, the pain intensifies gradually and persists for more than two weeks.
  2. Intermediate Stage: When the spinal discs have slipped and bulged out, causing sharp back pain radiating down to the legs, potentially extending to the feet. Numbness may also be present in some cases.
  3. Severe Stage: In the most severe stage, the nerve compression intensifies, and pain, numbness, and muscle weakness increase significantly until the nerve gets damaged and potentially lead to paralysis.

Doctors typically begin the diagnostic process for herniated discs by taking a detailed medical history and performing a physical examination. Imaging techniques such as computerized tomography (CT) scans or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are often used to visualize the spinal structures and confirm the presence and location of the intervertebral disc and nerves. MRI scans are beneficial in revealing a more precise location of nerve compression.

The treatment approach for herniated discs depends on the severity of the condition and the symptoms.

  • Non-surgical approaches are often the first treatment for mild to moderate cases. These may include medications such as pain relievers, muscle relaxants, or steroid injections to manage inflammation and pain.
  • Physical therapy can also promote muscle relaxation, reduce pain, and strengthen core muscles. To maximize its effectiveness, the treatment should be consistent and supervised by rehabilitation doctor and physical therapist.
  • Surgical intervention is required if medications and physiotherapy do not have satisfactory results. Currently, minimally invasive techniques like endoscopic spine surgery are a highly preferred treatment option. The doctor will insert a camera directly into the compressed nerve area to precisely locate and minimize muscle removal without the need for extensive incision, preserving as much healthy muscle as possible. This approach minimizes blood loss, reduces the risk of infection, and facilitates faster recovery because of the minor surgical incision (approximately 0.8 centimeters). Additionally, intraoperative neuromonitoring is used during the surgery to ensure safety by providing real-time monitoring of nerve function, thereby minimizing the risk of developing post-operative paralysis.

Daily exercises can help prevent herniated discs by strengthening muscles and delaying the deterioration of the spinal cord. Maintaining healthy body weight, avoiding smoking, practicing proper sleeping and sitting posture to prevent nerve compression on the spinal cord, and avoiding lifting heavy objects can all significantly reduce the risk of spinal injuries that contribute to disc degeneration. By prioritizing these preventive measures and seeking early medical attention for persistent lower back pain, people can minimize the risk of developing a herniated disc and its associated complications.

For more information, contact

Spine Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 5500
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

Advancements in Medical Technology Make Spine Surgery Less Daunting

With advancements in medical technology, spinal surgeries today are less daunting than before, thanks to the expertise of surgeons and the development of new surgical techniques like minimally invasive surgery (MIS), navigation systems, and intraoperative neuromonitoring. These latest technologies enhance precision, reduce trauma, minimize blood loss, and promote faster recovery, encouraging patients to feel more confident about undergoing spine surgery.

Vejthani Hospital is the first in Thailand to receive a Clinical Care Program Certification in spine surgeries from JCI. It has continuously maintained its accreditation since 2017.

Accreditation Record:

  • 2nd Re-Accreditation: March 27, 2024 – March 2027
  • 1st Re-Accreditation: March 6, 2021 – March 2024
  • 1st Accreditation: July 5, 2017 – July 4, 2020

Vejthani Opens Evening Clinics at its Specialized Medical Center for Your Convenience

Operating From 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Every day!

Prioritize your health without compromising your working hours. Fast and Convenient for Your Lifestyle!

Experience a stress-free healthcare visit at Vejthani specialized medical centers that provide convenient access to medical care from doctors without worrying about time consumption. Evening clinics have a relaxing atmosphere and short waiting times. Easy access via Yellow Line MRT.

Specialized Medical Centers:

  • King of Bones Center
  • Neuroscience Center
  • Internal Medicine Center
  • ENT Center
  • Cardiac Center
  • Surgery Center
  • Breast Center

Guaranteed Top Tier Treatment:

  • Highly Experienced Specialist
  • Cutting-edge Medical Technology
  • World-Class International Patient Care
Why Visit Vejthani Evening Clinics? Avoid daytime rush hour traffic Shorter Queue Peaceful atmosphere Convenient after work To schedule your appointment, drop your message in the inbox or call us now at English Hotline (+66) 8-522 38888.

For more information, please contact us at

English Hotline: 085-223-8888.

Wacoal Body Clinic Opens New Branch at Vejthani Hospital to Empower Women of All Ages

Wacoal Body Clinic is excited to announce the opening of its new branch on the 3rd floor of Vejthani Hospital Building 1. This branch offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of women of all ages, including:

  • Custom-made bras and prosthetics for breast cancer patients
  • Compression garments for post-surgery and cosmetic surgery
  • Garments for burn patients
  • Shapewear for a slimmer figure
  • Underwear for LGBT individuals
  • Plus-size lingerie

Wacoal Body Clinic offers a variety of leading brands of lingerie made with comfortable, breathable fabrics. The clinic also offers a wide selection of shapewear that is smooth, seamless, and stylish. With its experienced staff and comprehensive range of products, Wacoal Body Clinic is the perfect place for women of all ages to find the perfect lingerie to suit their needs.

Visit Wacoal Body Clinic today and discover the confidence that comes with feeling your best!

For more information, please contact us at

English Hotline: 085-223-8888

Summer’s Silent Killer: Your Essential Guide to Preventing and Defeating Heatstroke

As the sweltering heat of summer intensifies, so does the risk of heatstroke. This medical emergency arises when the body’s temperature regulation system fails, leading to dangerously high core temperatures. If left untreated, heatstroke can have severe consequences, even leading to death.

Dr. Jirapat Lohpratana, Critical Care Medicine Specialist at Vejthani Hospital, states that heatstroke is the most common condition during the summer due to excessive heat exposure. This extreme heat causes the body temperature to rise to a dangerous level, over 40 degrees Celsius. The body cannot adjust and control the internal temperature, which disrupts the blood circulatory and neurological systems.

When the body temperature rises uncontrollably, it begins to experience unusual symptoms that may include no perspiration despite sweltering weather. Feeling incredibly thirsty, blackout, headache, agitation, tiredness, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, racing heartbeat, panting, and red skin. When these signs appear, stop and take a break immediately, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Nonetheless, heatstroke can be treated initially to reduce the body temperature. Bring the patient to a cool, shaded area with good air circulation and have them lie down. Elevate the legs and hips, loosen the clothes, and remove unnecessary items. Use a cooling fan and a damp towel to pat on the neck, underarms, and head. Pour cold water onto the body to quickly lower the body temperature. Then, bring the patient to the hospital right away. It is essential not to overlook the symptoms as they may result in severe heat cramps, seizures, cardiac arrest, and even death.

Older adults, children, those with sleep deprivation, intoxicated people, individuals who work in hot and humid environments, athletes, and those with underlying health conditions like obesity, heart disease, and hypertension are primarily at risk of having a heatstroke.

Dr. Jirapat explained that the best course of action for heatstroke is to stay indoors during the highest temperature outside and avoid going under the sun. If possible, schedule outdoor activities for early mornings or evenings. Steer clear of beverages that can cause dehydration, such as caffeinated drinks like beer, liquor, and coffee, as they can cause a heavy loss of fluid from the body through urine. Children, older adults, and those with underlying health conditions should be extra cautious in extreme heat and avoid being alone. Ensure to drink enough water throughout the day, especially two to four cups per hour while working out or during heavy physical activities. Wear loose-fitting clothing that allows airflow. If you must spend significant time outside, use a protective hat and sunglasses. Heatstroke can be easily prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and adhering to the recommended preventive measures.

For more information, contact

Internal Medicine Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 2200
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 3888

Groundbreaking Approach to Treat Cerebral Aneurysm: Biplane DSA and the Future of Neurointervention

Cerebral aneurysms or brain aneurysm don’t tend to show symptoms until they become severe. The disease progresses to an advanced level by the time it is detected. If not treated properly in time, it can lead to paresis, paralysis, or even death.

Dr. Pongsakorn Pongsapas, a neurosurgeon at Vejthani Hospital, stated that a cerebral aneurysm is an abnormality of a weak blood vessel in the brain. It causes a bulging blood vessel that resembles a balloon and can easily rupture. It can occur in anyone but is more common in individuals over 40. Risk factors include certain genetic disorders, a family history of cerebral aneurysm, untreated hypertension, smoking, and older age. 

The symptoms of brain aneurysm do not tend to appear when it starts to develop. The following symptoms may occur after the vessel ruptures or bulges press against the brain tissue or nerves.

  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting
  • Double vision
  • Stiff neck
  • Blurred vision
  • Seizure
  • Drooping eyelid
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Facial Palsy
  • Numbness of one side of the body
  • Trouble speaking
  • Dysphagia

People with cerebral aneurysms are usually unaware of the symptoms until they have a severe headache. A health checkup is a great way to detect cerebral aneurysms. The disease can be diagnosed by CT scan and MRI, which detect any abnormal blood vessels in the brain. Cerebral Angiography is used to detect the current situation, size, and location of the cerebral aneurysm with more detailed images.

There are several methods to treat cerebral aneurysms.

  • Stent Implantation: inserting a stent into the bulging blood vessel.
  • Microsurgical clipping: An operation that opens the skull and blocks the blood flow to the bulging blood vessel to stop the rupture.
  • Biplane DSA (Biplane Digital Subtraction Angiography) is currently the most preferred treatment for cerebral aneurysms. The method uses special types of X-ray machines that can capture images of blood vessels in two planes simultaneously, retrieving more precise visualization of the position and shape of the blood vessels. During the procedure, equipment as tiny as the tip of a pen is inserted into the groin area, along with the insertion of small catheters into blood vessels in the brain. Then, a contrast dye is injected while the Biplane DSA machine is rotating to create clear images and calculate the size of the coils needed for treatment. This makes the treatment safer and faster than conventional CT injectors. 

Biplane Digital Subtraction Angiography is an advanced technology that requires less radiation exposure than traditional treatment methods. It has a quicker duration and leaves no scars or minimal scars resembling a tiny wound in the groin area. This approach reduces complications and enhances fast recovery.

For more information, contact

Neuroscience Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 5400
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 3888