Health Articles

Treat Allergy with Radiofrequency in Changing Weather


Chronic nasal congestion has direct impact on people’s quality of life. It causes trouble concentrating on studying or working, affects everyday activities and disrupts sleeping. The subsequent lack of sleep can lead to fatigue during daytime.

The factor that causes nasal congestion is the inflammation of the nasal cavity or the nasal septum. Majority of the patients suffer from sneezing, runny nose, headache and difficulty breathing.

Treatment of Chronic Nasal Congestion

ENT specialist will perform physical examination to rule out the cause of nasal congestion and advice a proper treatment based on that cause. The treatment may include:

  • Controlling allergies in patients whose nasal congestion is caused by allergy.
  • Treating infection in cases where nasal congestion is caused by inflammation of the nasal cavity.
  • Septoplasy or surgery to correct severely deviated septum.
  • Treatment technique called Radiofrequency (RF).

Radiofrequency is done by inserting a special needle into the nasal cavity of the patient. The radiofrequency will be transformed into thermal energy, causing the nasal turbinate to harden and shrink. This creates more space in the nasal cavity, allowing the patient to breathe more easily.

RF Therapy also alleviates itching, runny nose and postnasal drip. In case the patients suffer from a recurring nasal congestion due to inflamed nasal turbinate, radiofrequency can also be used again to treat the symptoms.

For more information, contact

ENT Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 3400
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

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