Health Articles

What You Need to Know Before/During/After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine



  • Learn about the COVID-19 vaccines and make an appointment.
  • Take enough sleep, drink at least 8 glasses of water, and avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks.
  • Pregnant women or women in doubt of being pregnant should avoid COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Patients with chronic diseases shall not stop taking the medicines before the COVID-19 vaccination unless the doctor asked.
  • Check your body temperature before the COVID-19 vaccination. If you have a high fever, we suggest you postpone the appointment.


  • Be prepared for COVID-19 vaccination, have a meal before you go.
  • Wear the top that can be easily accessible to the upper arm.
  • Prepare your own pen in order to avoid touching shared things.
  • Arrive at the COVID-19 vaccination site at least 15 minutes in advance.
  • Provide your medical history in details to the medical staff (e.g. medical conditions, drug allergy, vaccine allergy, food allergy, bleeding disorders, and any concerned diseases)
  • Wear a mask, keep social distancing, and wash your hands before, during, and after vaccination.


  • Observe your symptoms at least 30 minutes after vaccination.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine should not be injected with other types of the vaccine at the same time because the side effects may occur. Therefore, each type of vaccine should be injected at least 1 month between the shots.
  • If you have fever or muscle pain, you may take pain-killer medicine or Paracetamol 500mg every 6 hours to relieve the symptoms (Avoid Brufen, Arcoxia, Celebrex) and drink plenty of water, and take some rest.
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