Many people consider themselves to be invincible in their early adult years. Having received vaccinations and health check-ups in Bangkok during their childhood, they were given a clean bill of health and often don’t start worrying about their health again until they are well into their adulthood.
The truth is, illnesses and disease can strike at any point in a person’s life, particularly if your family has a medical history of serious illnesses. Even if your family has a clean and healthy medical history, your diet and lifestyle can unknowingly contribute to some types of diseases and illnesses.
The only way to be absolutely sure that you’re in the peak of health is to commit to an annual health check-up in Bangkok.
Vejthani Hospital’s Health Check-ups
Certain types of illness are more likely to occur in people of a certain age. Vejthani Hospital has developed a program of annual health check-ups at their location in Bangkok that provides the best coverage of tests for illnesses, diseases, and conditions throughout a person’s life.
They’ve divided their series of medical check-ups into different age ranges for both men and women. The programs are:
- Active Plus – Ages 18+
- Advance – Ages 25+
- Young Executive – Ages 30+
- Executive – Ages 35+
- President – Ages 40+
Each of these programs checks the vital signs and offers different tests for both men and women to determine the presence of diseases and illnesses that statistically, are more likely to occur in their respective age range. All of the programs test the function of the major organs and vascular system. The exact tests differ according to your medical history and that of your family.
A thorough consultation is the start of every examination. It allows the doctor to counsel a more detailed and conclusive examination that serves the individual patient better.
A Closer Look as You Age
The tests increase as you age. What was a two-hour health check-up when you were in the “Active Plus” age range becomes a six-hour examination and screening program when you reach the “President” age level.
The doctors focus on the risks of non-communicable diseases, different cancer marker tests as well as osteoporosis, thyroid problems, hormone deficiencies, and liver function tests. All of these are problems that statistically occur more often in older people.
Comprehensive Medical Check-ups in Bangkok
Through comprehensive examination and the numerous tests offered to every age group, the doctors can also detect health problems that are not common in a particular age group. This is the main value of committing to an annual program of health check-ups at Vejthani Hospital in Bangkok. They’ll check on the common ailments for your age group but ensure you against the less common ones as well.
Life-threatening cancers, diseases, and debilitating conditions can affect you at any time of life. But with an annual program of medical check-ups, you can detect and deal with a health problem before it threatens to disrupt your life.
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