Health Articles

Salt Intake Is Not the Only Risk Factor for Kidney Disease


Kidney disease is one of the most common diseases that can occur to everyone, not only to the elderly. The most common risk factors for kidney disease are diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, inflammation in the kidney, kidney stones, and medicines that affect the kidney, or chemical exposure. Besides these mentioned risk factors, bad eating behaviors and lifestyle such as not drinking enough water, consuming too salty – spicy foods, consuming fermented foods or processed foods, being obese, cigarette smoking, stress, and not getting enough sleep can also increase the risk of kidney disease.

However, we can reduce the risk of kidney disease by consuming a healthy diet like non-salt seasoning foods, drinking at least 8 – 10 glasses of water a day, doing exercise regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, as well as receiving the treatment for your congenital disease and undergoing the annual health checkup to check for the kidney’s function annually. 

If you have any abnormalities such as exhaustion, headache, nausea, vomit, urinary difficulty, swelling in the legs or eyelids; you should seek medical attention immediately because these might be the signs of kidney failure. Moreover, if you did not receive the treatment in time, it might be life-threatening or it might turn to chronic kidney failure and you will need to receive the hemodialysis for the rest of your life. 

For more information, kindly contact Internal Medicine Center, 1st Floor, Vejthani Hospital or call +66(0)2-734-0000 ext.2200

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