Health Articles

Is it risky to use public W/C?


Is it risky to use public W/C?

It is true that public W/C has a lot of bacteria that originate from wastes, wherever hands touched, or bacteria in the air such as flu virus, and other viruses that usually found in the public W/C, such as enteritis virus, hepatitis A virus, chlamydia, or gonorrhea.

Do we have a chance to infect the diseases from public W/C?

Actually, our bodies have various bacteria on different parts of the body, especially on skin, colon, or even in the vagina. However, our skin is our bacteria protector.

Thus, the virus infection from sitting on the toilet seat is rarely possible to happen because our skin can protect us from infection as well as our bodies’ immunity also helps us eliminating those viruses.

Moreover, the bacteria that can cause diseases need a human body to live in, so that means when the bacteria is outside the human body, it will die in a few seconds.

For sexual transmitted diseases’ virus, it will be transmitted by touching the human vagina or urethra directly.  Luckily, our mentioned organs did not touch the toilet seat. However, the viruses might use the wound on our bodies as a track to get in but if you did not have any wound on your butt or legs, there is no need to squat while using the public W/C because that might cause cramping pain in the muscle.

However, you may use wet wipes to clean the toilet seat before using it and wash your hands with hand sanitizer every time after using the toilet.

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