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Office syndrome is the disease that usually occurs in the people aged between 20 – 60 Years old. Nowadays, Office syndrome can be cured by Botulinum Toxin injection.

DR. PATTARA KOSANUNT, a spine surgeon of Vejthani Hospital explained that Office syndrome is the disease that usually occurs in the specific group of people who work very hard or continuously stay in the same or wrong position for over 8 hours, as well as other factors such as, workaholic, hastiness, strain, diet, sleepless, etc. These factors increase the risk of the mentioned disease. The Office syndrome can be observed by the following symptoms;

  • Chronic backache, Pain in neck and shoulder
  • Migraine or Chronic headache
  • Hand beriberi, Tendinitis, and Trigger Finger

Office syndrome caused by continued use of the shoulder blade for too long so that there will be pain in the trigger point, if the patient ignored these symptoms, it might get worst and eventually cause Herniated disk or Herniated intervertebral disk. There are various treatment methods, such as Medication, Rehabilitation, and Botulinum Toxin injection, which is the newest treatment method for curing the beginning stage of office syndrome.

DR. CHANIKA TAWEERUTCHANA, a dermatologist of Vejthani Hospital also explained that Botulinum Toxin injection is an option of curing the symptoms of Office syndrome by reducing the secretion of substances that cause muscle contractions in the trigger point which is the origin of the chronic pain. In addition, the lump on the scapula area will be smaller, and the neck shape will be balanced with the shape of the face nicely.

“The treatment method for each Office syndrome’s patient will be chosen by the doctor based on the severity of the disease. Sometime the doctor might start with the saline injection to relax the muscle, and however, if the result is not effective, the doctor will consider using the Botulinum Toxin injection method which the effect will last for 4 – 6 months, depends on the proper posture adjustment and muscle usage of each patient. Thus, the doctor will diagnose and evaluate each patients’ symptoms before choosing the right treatment procedure.” Said Dr.Chanika.

For more information, contact

Spine Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 5500
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

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