Health Articles

Travel Smart Get Vaccinated


Are you planning to travel abroad?

Some types of international travel, especially to developing countries and rural areas, may have higher health risks. These risks depend on a number of things including where you are traveling, your activities while traveling, the state of your health, and your vaccination history.

Vaccination is the first step toward staying healthy while traveling. You may need to be vaccinated at least 4-6 weeks before departure to against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world. Moreover, some countries require you to have an International Certificate of Vaccination before you enter.

Here are recommended travel vaccinations by destination:

  • The Typhoid Fever Vaccine may be offered to those traveling to the Indian subcontinent – particularly Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, where the risk of typhoid fever is high.
  • The Hepatitis A Vaccine is recommended for travelers to certain countries, such as Asia and Africa, and for people at high risk for infection with the virus.
  • The Meningococcal Vaccine is recommended for persons traveling to the meningitis belt in sub-Saharan Africa. This vaccine is also required if you are traveling to Saudi Arabia to take part in the Hajj
  • The Yellow Fever Vaccine may be required for travel to certain parts of Africa and South America.
  • The Rabies Vaccine is recommended for all travelers who will be living or traveling in endemic areas and who maybe exposed to rabies because of their travel activities i.e. trekking, working or living in rural areas.
  • The Hepatitis B Vaccine is recommended if you’re traveling for anyone traveling for long periods or who is likely to involve with activities such as having sex.

It’s important to have the right vaccinations and health advice before you travel. Don’t let a serious illness stop you from pursuing your wanderlust.