Health Articles

Ultrasonography : A Trimester-by-Trimester Guide


After you are excited about a surprise pregnancy and you met your prenatal consultant, sure that you will get more than one-time ultrasound schedules. The purpose of ultrasonography is not only seeing baby but it is to determine and detect any possible abnormalities and defects which could occur differently in each pregnancy stage.

First Trimester Ultrasonography:

  • Confirm the pregnancy
  • Confirm the location of your pregnancy
  • Confirm the correct date of your pregnancy
  • Confirm the presence of baby’s heartbeat
  • Detect the major abnormalities
  • Examine the down syndrome possibility
  • Checking for the abnormalities of the uterus & ovaries

Second Trimester Ultrasonography:

  • Check the development of brain system
  • Check the development of facial organs
  • Check the development of internal organs (heart, lungs, bowel, liver, kidneys, bladder, etc.)
  • Check the development of extremities
  • Check the development of spine
  • Determine the baby’s gender

Third Trimester Ultrasonography:

  • Calculate the baby’s weight
  • Checj baby’s presentation & placental site
  • Detect any abnormalities in the final trimester of pregnancy
  • Special doppler vascular scan (in case of fetal abmormal growth was suspected)
  • Measure the amniotic fluid level

Though, the pregnancy is the miracle of life for family members but, please note that every pregnancy has risk on mother and child’s health. So, better consult with prenatal care provider as soon as you have received the good news. Follow the instructions strictly include doctor appointment, ultrasound scan, and several special diagnoses according to each pregnancy stage because it is the key to keep mother and child healthy.

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