

Pneumothorax, also known as a punctured lung, occurs when air enters the chest cavity, exerting pressure on the lung. This can lead to either a partial or total collapse of the lung. If minor it might resolve on its own, but in some cases, it can be life-threatening.

Pneumothorax can occur spontaneously or be induced by various factors such as underlying health conditions, injuries, or medical procedures. Symptoms like sudden chest pain, difficulty breathing, or bluish skin discoloration necessitate prompt medical attention.

In order to relieve the excess air, a chest tube or needle is typically inserted between the ribs as part of the treatment for pneumothorax.


The signs and symptoms of pneumothorax can vary based on the extent to which the lung has collapsed. It may include:

  • Dyspnea, or difficulty breathing
  • Abrupt onset of chest discomfort
  • Chest pain on one side, especially when breathing
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Cough
  • Rapid breathing
  • Cyanosis, or lips, nails, or skin that is bluish
  • Fatigue

If any of the signs and symptoms occur, consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. If experiencing intense chest discomfort or finding it progressively harder to breathe, seek urgent medical assistance without delay.

It’s crucial to promptly seek medical assistance if symptoms of a collapsed lung reappear or worsen, especially for individuals with a history of pneumothorax, as this may signal an increased risk of recurrence.


 There are several factors that can cause pneumothorax, such as:

  • Injuries: Injuries such as blunt force trauma, gunshot or stab wounds can result in pneumothorax. Certain injuries may be unintentionally sustained during medical procedures that require the introduction of a needle into the chest, while other injuries may result from physical assaults or vehicle accidents. Lung collapse can result from any blunt or piercing injury to the chest.
  • Mechanical ventilation: This is a type of life support that assists individuals in breathing when they are unable to do so independently. The chest’s air pressure may become unbalanced as a result of the ventilator which can lead to a total lung collapse. A severe kind of pneumothorax typically occur in these cases.
  • Lung disease: Conditions, like lymphangioleiomyomatosis and Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, can create fragile air sacs in the lungs that can burst, leading to pneumothorax. Various diseases like COPD, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, or pneumonia can cause lung tissue damage leading to a higher risk of a collapsed lung.
  • Air blisters that ruptured: Air may seep into the area around the lungs when air blisters or blebs burst. Blebs, or tiny air sacs can form on the surface of the lungs.

Risk factors

Several factors may contribute to one’s risk of developing pneumothorax, such as:

  • Age: People between the ages of 20 and 40 are most prone to experience a type of pneumothorax particularly if they are extremely tall and underweight.
  • Gender: Pneumothoraxes are often much more common in men than in women.
  • Genetics: Individuals with a higher risk of experiencing a collapsed lung, or pneumothorax, include those with a family history of the condition. Some types of the condition runs in families.
  • Smoking: Even in the absence of emphysema, the risk rises with the amount of time and cigarettes smoked.
  • History of pneumothorax: A person’s risk of experiencing another pneumothorax is elevated after one.
  • Underlying conditions or treatment: Those diagnosed with Marfan syndrome, endometriosis, certain lung disease, and under mechanical ventilation has an increased risk of acquiring pneumothorax.