Non-ischemic priapism, high-flow priapism


Nonischemic priapism, also known as highflow priapism, is a medical condition characterized by inadequate circulation of blood in the arteries of the penis. Despite this, there is still some blood flow and oxygen reaching the penile tissues. This condition typically lacks pain and occurs less frequently than ischemic priapism. It can be caused by penile injury or trauma to the perineum, the area between the scrotum and the anus. The injury results in uncontrolled blood flow into the penile tissues, leading to a prolonged erection.


The follow signs and symptoms of nonischemic priapism includes:

  • Prolonged erection that may last for four hours
  • Penile shaft is erected but not stiff or fully rigid.
  • Typically not painful.

You may require a medical attention if your erection lasts longer than four hours. It will be determined by the healthcare provider if you have nonischemic priapism or ischemic priapism

Consult a health care provider if you frequently have persistent and painful erections that go away on their own. Treatment may be necessary to stop more episodes.


Injury or trauma to the penis or the perineumthe region between the base of the penis and the anusis a frequent cause of nonischemic priapism.

Risk factors

Priapism can occur across all age groups, including newborns, albeit extremely rarely. However, it primarily affects two distinct age demographics: children aged 5 to 10 and adults aged 20 to 50. While it is more commonly observed in males in their 30s and older, priapism can also manifest during childhood in males with sickle cell disease.