Chicken pox


Chickenpox occurs when the varicella-zoster virus infects you. It results in an itchy rash filled with small, fluid-filled blisters. This illness easily spreads to people who haven’t experienced it or received the chickenpox vaccine. The cause of this sickness is a virus called varicella-zoster, also known as chickenpox.

A child who has chickenpox can effortlessly transmit the virus to other children. Presently, chickenpox is less common due to the widespread administration of the chickenpox vaccine to young children.

After contracting chickenpox once, you won’t catch it again from another person. However, if you’re not vaccinated, you can get chickenpox at any age. Adults who get chickenpox often become seriously ill, highlighting the importance of experiencing chickenpox during childhood or preventing it through vaccination.


The rash from chickenpox shows up about 10 to 21 days after you come into contact with the varicella-zoster virus. This rash usually sticks around for about 5 to 10 days. You might also notice other signs 1 to 2 days before the rash appears:

  • Fever.
  • Not feeling hungry.
  • Headache.
  • Feeling tired and generally not well.

Chickenpox Rash Stages:

Phase 1: Bumpy Stage
  • Bumps arise gradually over a few days.
Phase 2: Blisters
  • Small fluid-filled blisters emerge within about a day.
  • Blisters pop and discharge fluid.
Phase 3: Healing Cover
  • Crusts and scabs develop, concealing broken blisters.
  • Takes a few days for complete healing.

New bumps can appear on your skin over a few days, and you might have bumps, blisters, and scabs all together. You can pass the virus to others up to 48 hours before the rash shows up. The virus stays contagious until the broken blisters have healed with a crust. In healthy kids, the sickness is usually not serious. But sometimes, the rash can cover the whole body. Blisters might also form in the throat and eyes, as well as in the tissues inside the urethra, anus, and vagina.

If you think you or your child has chickenpox, contact your doctor. They can diagnose it by checking the rash and other symptoms. You might need medicine to fight the virus or treat other problems caused by chickenpox. Call ahead for an appointment to avoid spreading it to others in the waiting room. Tell the doctor if the rash affects the eyes, gets warm, or if you have serious symptoms like dizziness or high fever. Let them know if you’re around people who never had chickenpox or the vaccine, if someone’s pregnant at your home, or if a family member has immune system issues.


The varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, is thought to be the cause of its spread. Inhaling airborne droplets created when a person with chickenpox coughs or sneezes is another way to catch this virus in addition to coming into direct contact with the rash.

Risk factors

Individuals who haven’t had chickenpox or the vaccine are at higher risk of contracting the virus. This is particularly crucial for those working in child care or schools to be vaccinated. Most people who have had chickenpox or received the vaccine are immune; if vaccinated and still infected, symptoms are usually milder with fewer blisters and low fever. Recurrence of chickenpox is rare, though a few individuals might experience it more than once.