

Astigmatism is a common treatable condition that involves an imperfect curvature of the eye that causes blurry vision both near and far away. This problem is a type of refractive error that affects the eyes and is very common.

Astigmatism develops when either the cornea, which is the front surface of the eye, or the intraocular lens have inconsistent curvatures. Rather than featuring a singular curve akin to a round ball, the surface exhibits the form of an egg. Vision becomes blurry at different distances as a result of this condition.

In many cases, astigmatism develops from birth and may coexist with other vision problems like nearsightedness or farsightedness. In many cases, its intensity doesn’t call for corrective action. However, in situations where correction is required, viable treatment options include the use of corrective eyewear or surgical procedures.


Astigmatism signs and symptoms may include the following:

  • Distorted or blurred vision
  • Seeing a glare or halos surrounding lights
  • Squinting to see clearly
  • Sensation of eyestrain or discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Challenges related to night vision.

If an individual experience eye problems that interfere with their ability to enjoy activities or do daily duties, they should see an eye specialist. A skilled ophthalmologist can determine whether astigmatism is present and how severe it is. They can then advise them on various corrective actions that they might take to improve their visual acuity.

Conducting eye condition screenings and measuring children’s visual acuity are essential for ensuring the health of their vision. This can be accomplished by having assessments carried out by experts like pediatricians, ophthalmologists, optometrists, or skilled screeners.

Screening should occur at the following ages and time intervals:

  • In the newborn period
  • At well-child visits until school age is attained
  • Throughout the school years, with screenings taking place every 1 to 2 years at well-child appointments, optometrist visits, or via screenings organized by schools or public health programs.


Primarily, astigmatism is often inherited, indicating that it’s a condition passed down from parents to their offspring. It could emerge subsequent to an eye injury, illness, or surgical procedure.

There are two structures in the eye with curved surfaces that are in charge of reflecting light onto the retina. The cornea, the clear front surface of the eye filled with tear fluid, and the lens, clear component inside the eye, are two examples of these structures. The lens has the capacity to change its shape, which helps the eye focus on objects that are close by.

In instances where either the cornea or the lens assumes an oblong shape, characterized by two incongruous curves, the refraction of light rays becomes uneven. This leads to the formation of two distinct images. These images overlap or merge, ultimately leading to the manifestation of blurred vision. Astigmatism is classified as a form of refractive error within this context.

Astigmatism develops when the cornea or lens exhibits a steeper curvature in one direction than another. Astigmatism in the cornea results from the cornea’s uneven curvatures, whereas astigmatism in the lens is caused by the lens’s irregular curvatures. Vision blurriness could start to appear as a result of either type of astigmatism. Certain angles, such as horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, may cause this blurriness to stand out more.

Astigmatism has the potential to manifest alongside additional refractive errors, encompassing:

  • Nearsightedness (myopia): The cornea has excessive curvature or the eye is longer than average both lead to this problem. Light converges anterior to the retina instead of achieving precise focus on it, resulting in a blurred vision of distant objects.
  • Farsightedness (hyperopia): When the cornea has too little curvature or the eye is shorter than average, this disorder develops. In a state of relaxation, the eye fails to bring light to a focal point at the rear, causing nearby objects to appear unfocused and blurry.