

Aphasia is a disorder characterized by difficulties in speaking or understanding others. It is typically caused by damage to the brain or disruptions in its functioning. There are various types of aphasia, determined by the location of the brain damage.

This condition can occur suddenly after a stroke or traumatic brain injury, but it may also develop gradually due to a slow-growing brain tumor or a degenerative disease that causes permanent damage. The severity of aphasia depends on factors such as the underlying cause and the extent of the brain damage.

The primary treatment for aphasia involves addressing the underlying condition that caused it and undergoing speech and language therapy. During therapy, individuals with aphasia can relearn and practice language skills while exploring alternative means of communication. Family members often play an important role in this process by assisting the affected person in their communication efforts.


Aphasia commonly manifests as a symptom associated with various underlying conditions, including strokes or brain tumors. Individuals experiencing aphasia may demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Talk using short or incomplete sentences
  • Say things that don’t make sense in their speech
  • Replace one word or sound with another
  • Use words that others can’t recognize
  • Struggle to find the right words to use
  • Have trouble understanding what others are saying
  • Find it hard to understand written text
  • Write sentences that don’t make sense.

Individuals with aphasia can exhibit a diverse range of strengths and weaknesses in their speaking patterns. These patterns are often classified into distinct types of aphasia, which encompass the following categories:

  • Broca’s aphasia: Also known as “non-fluent aphasia” or “expressive aphasia,” is a common form of this condition characterized by a loss of fluency in speech. Individuals with Broca’s aphasia struggle to articulate words and may repeat words or phrases persistently, with some experiencing complete mutism or the ability to produce only one sound at a time. Despite their speech difficulties, their comprehension remains intact, and they can understand what others say to them. Repetition is also affected, making it challenging for them to repeat back words or phrases. Additionally, damage to Broca’s area, often caused by strokes, can result in partial paralysis on one side of the body due to the involvement of the nearby brain region responsible for muscle control.
  • Wernicke aphasia: Also called “fluent aphasia” or “receptive aphasia,” is a common language problem. People with this condition can talk smoothly but say confusing or nonsensical things using wrong or made-up words (like word salad). They struggle to understand complex sentences and find it hard to repeat words or phrases you say to them. Vision problems may also occur since Wernicke’s area is close to parts of the brain that affect sight. People with this type of aphasia might not realize or understand that they have this condition, which is called anosognosia.
  • Global aphasia: Global aphasia is the most severe form of aphasia, characterized by loss of fluency in speech, difficulty in understanding language, and struggles with repetition. Those affected may produce only small sounds or remain completely silent (mutism), and they often repeat words or simple phrases. Understanding complex sentences becomes challenging, and the condition is linked to severe brain damage caused by conditions like strokes or head injuries, leading to other serious symptoms such as one-sided paralysis and blindness.
  • Transcortical motor aphasia: This condition shares similarities with Broca’s aphasia but is typically less severe. One crucial distinction is that individuals affected by this form of aphasia do not struggle with repeating phrases or sentences that are spoken to them.
  • Transcortical sensory aphasia: This variant closely resembles Wernicke’s aphasia but is generally less severe. As seen with transcortical motor aphasia mentioned earlier, individuals with this type do not struggle with repeating what is spoken to them. It is frequently associated with degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Conduction aphasia: This type of language problem affects how smoothly people speak, but their understanding remains mostly unaffected. People with this struggle to say words clearly, especially when trying to repeat what you say to them.
  • Mixed transcortical aphasia: This type of aphasia is similar to global aphasia, but individuals affected by it retain the ability to repeat words spoken to them.
  • Anomic aphasia: People with this type of aphasia have trouble finding words, especially names of objects or action words. To cope, they might use more words to explain what they mean or use general terms like “thing” instead.

If you or someone you know experiences any of the following suddenly, it’s important to seek immediate medical help as aphasia could be a sign of a serious problem, like a stroke:

  • Having trouble speaking
  • Finding it difficult to understand what others are saying
  • Struggling to remember words or names
  • Facing difficulties with reading or writing.


Aphasia is a condition where a person has difficulty with language, like speaking, understanding, or finding words. The most common cause of aphasia is when the brain gets damaged due to a stroke, which happens when there’s a problem with the blood flow in the brain. This lack of blood can harm the parts of the brain that control language.

Aphasia can also happen because of other reasons that damage the brain or disrupt its functions. Some of these reasons include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease, a condition that affects memory and thinking.
  • Aneurysms, which are weak spots in blood vessels that can burst.
  • Brain surgery, where an operation is done on the brain.
  • Brain tumors, including cancerous growths in the brain.
  • Cerebral hypoxia, which means the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, causing damage.
  • Concussion and traumatic brain injury, which can happen from accidents or injuries.
  • Dementia and frontotemporal dementia, conditions that cause progressive memory and thinking problems.
  • Developmental disorders and congenital problems, which are issues present since birth due to problems during fetal development.
  • Epilepsy or seizures, especially if they cause lasting brain damage.
  • Genetic disorders inherited from parents, like Wilson’s disease.
  • Inflammation of the brain due to infections or autoimmune conditions.
  • Migraines, which can temporarily affect language abilities.
  • Radiation therapy or chemotherapy used to treat cancer.
  • Toxins and poisons, such as carbon monoxide or heavy metals that can harm the brain.