Ankle fracture


Damaged ankle results from a broken or fractured ankle, it is one of the most common causes of ankle discomfort. Ankle fractures are common injuries that could result from direct trauma in an automobile accident, a simple slip and fall, or a twisting injury.

Ankle joint is made up of tibia, fibula, and talus. The large bone in the lower leg known as the tibia is also referred to as shinbone. The lower leg’s fibula is a smaller, thinner bone. The talus is bumped up against by the lower ends of the fibula and tibia as they come together. The main connection between the leg and foot is the talus.

An ankle fracture can range in severity and size from tiny cracks in the bones to breaks that penetrate your skin.

The location and degree of the bone fracture will determine the appropriate treatment for an ankle fracture. Surgery may be necessary to implant plates, rods, or screws into a badly broken ankle in order to keep the damaged bone in the right position while it heals. Ankle surgery is necessary for more severe fractures. Following an ankle fracture, the recovery time may be several weeks or months.


The following signs and symptoms could occur if you have a ankle fracture:

  • Sudden, severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Deformity
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Unable to bear weight at the affected ankle

If the pain and swelling do not subside or get better on their own, the condition get worsen overtime, or there is an obvious sign of deformity, then patient should seek medical attention. Also, if the injury makes it difficult for the patient to walk, then they should visit the healthcare provider.


A direct injury to the ankle can result in an ankle fracture, however twisting injuries are more common. The ankle could have broken as a result of a severe fall or being hit by anything.
The following are the most common cause of a ankle fracture:

  • Accidents: Car accidents frequently result in crushing injuries, which can break bones that need to be surgically fixed.
  • Falls: The ankles are susceptible to breaking if the patient trip and fall or if they land on their feet after a brief jump.
  • Missteps:  Simply putting your foot down incorrectly can occasionally result in a twisting injury that may break a bone.
  • Sports: Participating in sports, especially those involve running that could hit the ankle or where quick movements could twist the ankle.

Risk factors

Risk factors increases risk of getting an ankle injury:

  • High intensity sports: An ankle fracture can be brought on by strains, direct blows, and twisting accidents sustained while playing sports including basketball, football, gymnastics, tennis, and soccer.
  • Increase in activity level: Increasing the exercise frequency or length unexpectedly can raise the chance of developing a stress fracture, regardless of whether you are a seasoned athlete or someone who has only recently begun exercising.
  • Use improper technique or sports equipment: Stress fractures and falls can be caused by defective equipment, such as too-worn-out or improperly suited shoes. Ankle injuries can also result from improper training methods, such as skipping a warm-up and a stretching session.
  • Smoking: Smoking cigarettes can increase risk of getting osteoporosis. Additionally, studies indicate that smokers may require more time to heal after a fracture.
  • Poorly managed house: Falls and ankle injuries can result from walking around in a home with too much clutter or not enough light.
  • Other conditions: Injury to the ankle bones is possible if someone have osteoporosis, which results in decreased bone density that increase fracture.