Health Articles

Vejthani Hospital | Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement


Mitral valve repair and replacement at Vejthani Hospital.

Mitral Valve Repair:

  • Uses patient’s own original valve
  • Intake of life-time blood-thinning medication is no longer required
  • Female patients are able to conceive naturally
  • Extended lifespan of the valve

Mitral Valve Replacement:

  • Uses mechanical valve made from metallic alloys or uses heart valve from animals, such as pig or cow
  • Requirement of life-time blood-thinning drug
  • Female patients will not be able to conceive
  • Durability of mechanical heart valve is approximately 10 – 15 years

For more information about mitral valve repair and replacement, please contact

Cardiac Center on 5th floor, Vejthani Hospital or call our Hotline at

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