Health Articles

Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy vs. Laser Hemorrhoidectomy


Hemorrhoid is an annoying disease that affects our daily lives and happiness in the toilet, especially in people who have a 3rd to 4th stage of hemorrhoids. If you have a 3rd to 4th stage of hemorrhoids, you may need to undergo the hemorrhoidectomy. But, have you ever wondered which type of hemorrhoidectomy best suits you?

Traditional Hemorrhoidectomy

  • Before the hemorrhoidectomy, the doctor will consider using anesthetic or local anesthetic injection into the spine’s bone marrow (Epidural) in order to reduce the pain sensation and awareness during the procedure. The patient who undergoes the hemorrhoidectomy will feel no pain during the surgery but after the surgery, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for around 5 -7 days. Thus, if you want to undergo the traditional hemorrhoidectomy, you may need to make your treatment plan in advance. Moreover, the patient who has underwent the traditional hemorrhoidectomy will have a surgical incision scar on the anus.

Laser Hemorrhoidectomy

  • Laser hemorrhoidectomy is the new innovative method of hemorrhoidectomy. Before the hemorrhoidectomy, the doctor will consider using anesthetic or local anesthetic injection into the spine’s bone marrow to reduce the pain sensation and awareness during the procedure as same as the traditional hemorrhoidectomy. During this type of hemorrhoidectomy, the laser will be inserted into the anal canal to get rid of the terminal branches of superior hemorrhoid arteries. The laser hemorrhoidectomy will provide an aesthetic outcome and the patient will have no surgical incision scar on the anus. With the laser hemorrhoidectomy, the patient will feel less pain and faster recovery (1-2 days) compared to the traditional hemorrhoidectomy method.

For more information, please contact General Surgery Center, 3rd Fl., Vejthani Hospital or call +66(0)2-734-0000 ext. 4500, 4501

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