Health Articles

How to Constructively Discuss and Deal with Stress during COVID-19 Crisis


The COVID-19 crisis may be stressful for people around the world because they have been facing uncertainties towards their health, financial stability, and many other things that affects their metal health. Here is how to constructively discuss and deal with stress during COVID-19 crisis.

  • Set a clear understanding that COVID-19 is not anyone’s false
    • No matter where they are from or what ethnicity they have, we must set the clear understanding that although the COVID-19 has affected many countries and regions, we should not link the decease with a certain ethnicity or nationality when mentioning it. People who are infected have done nothing wrong, instead they deserve support and encouragement.
  • Do not label people with COVID-19 as victims or villains
    • We should not label people with COVID-19 as victims or villains because they are just ordinary people who have COVID-19, not spreaders. It is important that people around them don’t make them feel guilty about having COVID-19.
  • Share only verified information
    • Share only verified information about COVID-19 from reliable sources. Fake news and rumors are made to provoke people, create fear and worry.
  • Be positive and constructive
    • The topics that should be brought into the conversation about COVID-19 with other people are prevention methods, how to improve the quality of life, useful things to do in life, or how to be happier and less stressful during the crisis
  • Stress relief
    • Relieve stress by getting enough sleep, listening to music, cooking and enjoying good food, working out regularly, spending time with friends and family via online channels, and managing work-life balance.
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