Health Articles

Laser Treatment for Piles


Nowadays, laser treatment is recommended for the 2nd – 3rd stage of symptomatic hemorrhoids (piles) because it provides the best results. For the 1st stage of symptomatic hemorrhoids, the symptoms are not severe, so it is preferable to withhold surgery. The doctor may consider giving a mild laxative during the consultation and advise the patient to adjust their daily lifestyle to have more fibrous food, drink 8 glasses of water a day, and avoid any risky behavior such as sedentary lifestyle. In the 4th stage of symptomatic hemorrhoids, the symptoms become more severe and surgery may be needed along with the latest laser treatment. 

During  laser treatment for piles, a laser will be inserted into the anal canal to remove the terminal branches of superior hemorrhoid arteries. Within just 15 – 20 minutes of this treatment, the patient is free to return home and there is no need to stay in the hospital. The treatment also takes less time to perform and heals faster than previously recommended treatments.

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