Health Articles

How to Deal with “ Food Allergy in Children ”


Food is one of the most essential things to pay attention to because some kind of nutrition might affect the children. Children have many allergies to food, and the food that children are commonly allergic to are milk, egg white, and flour. The risk factors are genetic and environmental.

Food Allergy Symptoms

  • A severe allergic reaction (Anaphylaxis) is rapid in onset and may cause death. It typically causes rash, breathing difficulty, vomiting in a few minutes, and it may cause death because of internal system failure.
  • A mild allergic reaction usually causes blood in stool or skin reaction such as an itchy rash. Moreover, it usually occurs intermittently.

The treatment for the patient who has severe allergic reaction is to inject an adrenaline as soon as possible. But, for a patient who has only a mild allergic reaction, the doctor will recommend anti-allergy medication. However, the best way to treat food allergy is to avoid those kind of food, and it will be gone when the children grown up. Although, for some patients who were not able to recover from allergy and have severe reaction, the doctor will let the patient consume a little portion of food that the patient is allergic to for a period of time under the doctor’s instruction. This kind of method can be used in children aged over 5 – 6 years old.

For more information, please contact us at:
Super Kid’s Center, 3 rd floor of Vejthani Hospital
Tel. +66-27340000 ext. 3310, 3312, 3319

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