Health Articles

Treat Scoliosis: Don’t Risk Future Deformity


Every family wants their child to be happy and grow up healthy, If there is any unusual conditions  discomfort their children, they will surely try hard to find out the way to bring back their child a perfect life.

Just like Chansamorn family, Mr.Kankasem and Mrs.Wongchita Chansamaorn took their 18-year-old daughter, Nong Mind, Miss Chanoknapassorn Chansomorn to Vejthani hospital receiving scoliosis treatment, wishing their beloved daughter better life.

The parents told a story of lovely Nong Mind that “We started to notice the unusual condition when she was 12 years old, we saw a strange lump on the right of her back. With our concern, we took her to consult with doctors from several hospitals; X-Ray result found that she had scoliosis condition. None of those hospitals suggested a treatment; they explained that there is nothing to be worried and we only keep observing her condition”

Father: “Even the information I received told me not to worry but as a father, I cannot let it go. I decided to take my daughter to rehabilitation clinics to improve my daughter posture and personality.  Besides, we continued to keep in touch with doctor appointments seeing changes of her spine. ”

Mother: “Her condition progressed continuously as she grew. Rehabilitation improved her personality mobility and balance but couldn’t treat her scoliosis condition.”

Once And For All: The Sustainable Solution For Our Daughter

The parents started searching information from the internet about treating spinal disease and decided to consult with the spine specialist at Vejthani Hospital

Father: I typed “Scoliosis” in a search engine and found Dr. Patara Kosanant, I came to consult him at Vejthani Hospital. Dr.Patara provided all information I needed to know and enlighten all questions I had about the disease. Thus, he is the one and only doctor who suggested a surgery treatment for my daughter and ensure the post-operation result that my little girl will be able to live her normal life once again.

Mother: Dr.Patara told me that he will use “Titanium” implant for my daughter’s spinal correction.  At first, I was worried about its lifespan and its safety. He explained that the material used is special titanium made for human implantation and it was designed to stay in the human body forever.  Also, the technology used for this surgery called “Navigator” which improved a much greater degree of accuracy than tradition surgical method. He added that if my daughter doesn’t receive scoliosis correction, her bone will get weaken time to time because her spine curved on one side. More importantly, the scoliosis condition will disappear; my daughter will be able to get back to live a normal life with her friends again.

To the Better Personality Brighter Future

Nong Mind, Chanoknapassorn Chansamorn, a girl who has received the scoliosis correction shared that she has been attentive to many school events such as dancing, singing and performing a master of ceremony. Her condition has been destroying her confidence for too long.

Patient: “I wanted to receive the surgery because the scoliosis condition made me embarrassed to live among others. I’m admitted that I was worried because it is the biggest decision to make in my life. I thought why I have to be suffered from this humpback posture, being ashamed in public place with this personality. So finally, I decided to receive the correction surgery. After the surgery, I’m pleased with the result, the lump on my back is gone, my back turns straight. I’m so happy that after this I can wear beautiful dresses, back to live a normal life like others or I can say that this surgery has returned my self-confident.

Hit the Nail on the Head “Surgery” for The Best

Dr.Patara Kosanant, Spine Surgeon referred to this patient that “In this case, the parents went to serveral hospitals where suggested the rehabilitation and personality adjustment which could ease back pain and enhance the patient’s posture. However, if the purpose of the treatment is to straighten the degree of the spinal cord, surgery is the best choice of this problem.

“Scoliosis Correction” in the past was risky, but now with present technology, we could lessen those risky conditions. In this case, I used ‘Navigator’ as an assistant to determine most accurate direction and degree to ensure patient’s safety”

Don’t be Ignored: Scoliosis Needed to be Treated

Patient: “If anyone has the same scoliosis problem as I was, you should seek for medical advice for the best of your health. Once you are treated, you will get your pleasant personality back and lessen future spine deformity”

Parents: “Don’t be afraid of the surgery and don’t mind those bad words from others. The best solution is to consult with a specialist about possible treatment methods. Our family made the right decision to come here and receive the scoliosis treatment at Vejthani Hospital”

For more information, contact

Spine Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-7340000 or Ext. 5500
English Hotline: (+66)8-522 38888

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