

If you’re experiencing signs and symptoms of prostatitis, various factors could be the cause. In such cases, it’s advisable to consult a urologist, a specialist in urinary and reproductive system issues. To pinpoint the underlying cause and exclude specific disorders, your healthcare provider will conduct a physical examination, review your symptoms and medical history, and recommend the following tests.

  • Digital rectal exam: During this process, your healthcare provider will put a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum to feel for prostate pain and inflammation.
  • Prostatic specimen test: During a rectal exam, a healthcare provider may occasionally lightly massage the prostate to release prostate fluid into your urethra. Following the massage, a urine sample is taken to test for bacteria.
  • Urine test: A sample of your urine will be required in order to determine the type and presence of any bacterial infections.
  • Blood test: PSA, a protein produced by your prostate gland, is measured through a blood test. Elevated levels could be a sign of prostate cancer, enlarged prostate, or prostatitis.
  • Imaging test: To find abnormal growths, abnormalities in the prostate, or other issues in the pelvic region that might be causing pain, imaging tests might be recommended.
  • Urodynamic tests: The ability of the bladder and urethra to store and release urine can be assessed using a range of tests. These tests can help characterize problems with urinating and identify the source of problems.
  • Transrectal ultrasound: A transrectal ultrasonography may be recommended for individuals with either acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis that does not improve with medications. This test can reveal abnormalities of the prostate gland, abscesses, or stones.
  • Cystoscopy: While a cystoscopy can detect other urinary tract issues, prostatitis cannot be diagnosed with it. To see into your bladder and urethra, a healthcare provider utilizes a cystoscope, which is a pencilsized, illuminated tube with a camera or viewing lens on the end.


Treatment for prostatitis depends on the specific type diagnosed and the symptoms you’re experiencing. Nonbacterial prostatitis typically does not require treatment.

  • Treatment for infection: Antibiotics are typically prescribed for acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis. For acute cases, intravenous (IV) antibiotics may be needed briefly in the hospital. Antibiotic therapy usually lasts for four to six weeks, although sometimes it may be longer. It’s crucial to complete the full course of medication as prescribed to fully eradicate the infection and reduce the risk of developing chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  • Treatment for urinary problem: Alphablockers are medications that help relax the muscles at the connection of your bladder and prostate. Urinary symptoms such as painful or difficult urinating may improve with this treatment. Although it is frequently given for males with chronic pelvic pain syndrome or chronic prostatitis, this medication may also be administered to treat bacterial infections that cause urinary symptoms.
  • Pain treatment: Your healthcare provider may recommend overthecounter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen or prescribe painkillers.
  • Psychological management: Managing stress can be advantageous. Addressing anxiety, feelings of despair, and catastrophizingexcessive reactions to minor stressors often seen in individuals with chronic painmay involve counseling or medication for some individuals.