Heart Arrhythmia is classified into two types; rapid heartbeat and slow heartbeat. It can occur from several factors, like structural heart diseases such as:
- Congenital heart disease
- Cardiomyopathy
- Leaky heart valves
- Abnormalities in the body that affects the heart function, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and taking or receiving certain drugs or chemical substances such as amphetamine and caffeine.
Heart Arrhythmia may not be preventable but the chances of developing the disease could be reduced by avoiding the risk factors. Stress, smoke, alcohol and drinks that contain caffeine should be avoided. Having a balanced diet and regular exercise routine and undergo a health check up at least once a year are also essentials. This is to examine the strength and the function of the heart.
For more information, please contact
Cardiac Center, Vejthani Hospital
Call 02-734-0000 Ext. 5300
Or English Hotline +66 (0) 85-223-8888
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