Health Articles

Heart Palpitation Can Lead to Heart Valve Repair


The characteristics of a heart palpitation are as follows: a heart that skips its beats, is beating too fast, or rapidly fluttering and pounding. They can be caused by any one of a number of issues including anxiety, stress, stimulants such as coffee and nicotine, alcohol use, or strenuous exercise. Unfortunately, one of the most serious cause of heart palpitation can also be heart valve regurgitation.

The human heart has four valves: the aortic, mitral, pulmonary, and tricuspid valves. Each of these valves has leaflaps that open and close and regulate the flow of blood to the body. Heart valve regurgitation occurs due to blood leaking into the heart chamber through heart valves which have been destroyed or disturbed by the heart disease. This malfunction decreases blood flow and increase the workload upon the heart muscle.

In mild cases of heart palpitation, the doctor may recommend lifestyle changes or gives appropriate medication as the first step of treatment. You will be monitored over a period of time to see if this approach improves your heart problem. If these lifestyle changes and conservative treatment fail to eradicate the occurrence of a heart palpitation, or symptom worsens, eventually, your valves may need surgical treatment for which valve repair is a preferred choice over valve replacement.

Better to Repair than Replace

There are several benefits that make valve repair a better option and more desirable than valve replacement if it is possible. Heart valve repair doesn’t involve the insertion of prosthetic valve which comprises of biological or mechanical valves. Each type has its own indication, merit and limitation. Biological valve, although can be used effectively in elderly patients, is not recommended in the young due to rapid deterioration from body reaction and need of redo valve replacement. For mechanical valve, patients will have to take blood-thinning medications for the rest of their lives to prevent blood clots from occurring. This limitation will preclude pregnancy in child bearing age female patient because of potential undesirable effect to the baby. Furthermore, bleeding and stroke from suboptimal control of medication are severe and dreadful complications. For heart valve repair patients, better survival, better heart function and lesser risk of valvular infection are important advantages of valve repair over replacement. With long term follow up, it is clearly demonstrated that early treatment by valve repair patients will benefit better long-term survival compared to late treatment patients. This signified the importance of early diagnosis and timing of treatment to restore normality of patient’s life expectancy.

Every patient’s case is different and has its own critical point of concern. Surgeon will work closely with heart team and discuss in detail with patient to sort out the best option of treatment. This will include choice of operation, surgical approach, treatment alternative and other crucial issues. Heart valve repair should be performed by a well-respected and skilled cardiac surgical team like the one at Vejthani Hospital headed by Dr. Taweesak Chotivatanapong. This cardiac surgical team has performed various cardiac surgeries. They will work closely with your cardiologist to plan, perform, and guide you through your post-surgery rehabilitation, to get you back to living a healthy and productive life. Your doctor will typically recommend regular follow-up visits to monitor your heart and ensure the best outcomes. These visits will involve a program of cardiac rehabilitation and monitoring investigations. With this close surveillance and proper guidance for you on how to maintain a heart-healthy diet, exercise and manage of stress, an ultimate goals of excellent holistic postoperative outcomes can be best guaranteed.

Learn to Recognize the Symptoms of Heart Valve Regurgitation

Learning to recognize the symptoms caused by heart valve regurgitation can prolong your life. They include heart palpitation, fatigue, shortness of breath, and swollen feet or ankles. If you notice any of these symptoms, particularly if it get worsened, you should schedule a thorough examination by a cardiologist at Vejthani Hospital. With proper and timely cardiac care, heart valve regurgitation can be effectively treated and its life-threatening consequences can be prevented and cured.

For more information, please contact

Cardiac Center, 5th floor, Vejthani Hospital
Call: (+66)2-734-0000 Ext. 5300
English Hotline: (+66)85-223-8888

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