Health Articles

Do Not Overlook Diabetic Foot Ulcer


Many people usually overlook ‘Diabetic Foot Ulcer’ and do the wound dressing by themselves at home not knowing that they are at risk of infection and losing the organ or foot amputation.

Dr. Supachai Chanvitan, M.D., a vascular surgeon of Vejthani Hospital explained that most of the patients with diabetes usually have high blood sugar level problem which affects the function of the immune system. The higher the blood sugar level, the more reduction in immune system’s function; consequently this may lead to patient’s susceptibility to get an infection. Moreover, the patients with diabetes usually have complications that may cause the nerve to degenerate which lead to numbness in the hands and feet. Thus, the patient will feel no pain and is not aware that there is a wound on their feet because the wound’s location is not visible and as a result the wound may not receive a proper care and get infected. 

Patients with diabetes tend to have vascular dementia that’s why it is important to check the patient’s health condition before providing each patient a wound care; because the wound care procedures in patient with diabetic foot ulcer and vascular dementia is more difficult and complicated since the wound healing depends on blood flow, infection or inflammation, and environment. 

The doctor will consider providing a treatment called revascularization for a patient with vascular dementia and diabetic foot ulcer. Revascularization is typically done by surgical means which are vascular bypass and angioplasty. Besides the surgical treatment, there are also non-surgical treatments available, such as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Oxygen Spray, etc.

“Basically, an ordinary wound will heal within 7 – 14 days by itself, but if it exceeds 14 days and you know that you have diabetes, you should seek medical treatment immediately. In the specialist’s hands, the risk of losing the organs will be reduced because the specialist can provide sterile wound care, control the infection, and solve your vascular problem.” Said Dr.Supachai Chanvitan, M.D., a vascular surgeon of Vejthani Hospital. 

The purpose of diabetic foot ulcer treatment is to heal it as soon as possible, reduce the risk of infection; and improve function and quality of life. Hence, receiving the treatment in the early stage can reduce the risk of infection, organ loss or amputation of the extremity

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