People who love playing sports, doing exercise, or wearing high heels might have experienced ankle sprain which people think that it’s just an ordinary symptom that can usually occur on everyone. In fact, if left untreated for a long time, it might cause chronic ankle laxity. Hence, self-observation is very important. There are 3 degrees of ankle sprains that we need to be aware of:
- Grade I: Mild degree of ankle sprain: Slight tearing of the ligament with mild swelling.
- Grade II: Moderate degree of ankle sprain: incomplete tearing of the ligament with moderate pain and bruising.
- Grade III: Severe degree of ankle sprain: Complete tearing of the ligament with severe swelling, pain (walking is likely impossible), and bruising.
Ankle sprains need proper and prompt treatment because if left untreated, it might cause chronic ankle laxity and if you usually have ankle sprains, you might have an increased risk of having an ankle joint degeneration.
Ankle laxity can be treated by using an ankle support equipment and doing ankle exercise in order to increase the strength of the ankle joint and to keep the balance of the ankle. If your symptom doesn’t get better after 3 – 6 months of the self-care, you may need to undergo the minimally invasive ankle surgery (Ankle Arthroscopy) to repair the damaged ligament. With the minimally invasive ankle surgery, the patient will have less pain, small incision, and fast recovery.
For more information, please contact
Orthopedics Center, 2nd Floor, King of Bones Building, Vejthani Hospital
Call +66 (0) 2734-0000 ext. 2298,2299
+66(0)85-223-8888 (English Hotline)
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