Pediatric Movement Disorders are relatively common neurological manifestations which affect purposeful movement in children. Patients experience abnormal muscle tone or unwanted movements that disrupt quality of life of their child, the symptoms included; muscle tense up, twisting and loss balanced.

Noticed Your Child
- Slow development, cannot walk at age 12-18 months
- Rigidity of muscles especially arms and legs cause limitation on movements
- Joints and Bones misshaped
Treatment for Pediatric Movement Disorders
- Medication Treatment
- Physical Therapy
- Botulinum Toxin Injection
- Bone Arrangement Surgery
The causes of movement disorders in children can happen before birth or during birth. The factors that may lead to problems may include premature birth or infant born with less than 2,000 grams of weight.

However, parents should pay attention on children developments; any abnormalities occur are risky. Leave the movement problem alone will worsen your children’s health and the treatment using surgery might be performed.
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