Worried about over weight? Cannot eat your favorite food because of over weight?
Now, you can enjoy the complete solution for overweight.
First time in Thailand; Vejthani Hospital Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center is proud to introduce our newest procedure for weight loss “Spatz 3 Adjustable Ballon”. We are very proud that Vejthani Hospital is the only hospital in Thailand who does Intra-Gastric Balloon. Without major surgery, now your dreams of having a slim body can be possible. Our world famous Doctors are very confident in providing the necessary care and treatment for you.
Vejthani Hospital Management bound to ensure that our Gastrointestinal staff is providing quality care and assistance for our patients. Our Doctors are globally competent in terms of proficiency, knowledge and practice.
Spatz 3 Adjustable Balloon System
What is the procedure?
The purpose of the balloon is to give you a feeling of fullness, which naturally makes you eat less and lose weight. Gastric balloons are inserted under sedation which takes 15- 30 minutes. It is a relatively minor procedure. Undergoing Gastric Balloon procedure is a day surgery, but we require our patient to stay for at least 1-2 days to make sure that the patient does not have any complications after insertion of the balloon.
During the procedure a soft adjustable balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth, using an endoscope (thin, flexible telescope). Saline-filled gastric balloon that rests in the stomach cavity and decreases the appetite by occupying approximately one third of the stomach volume.
Spatz 3 adjustable balloon is a tool which helps weight loss and will provide the best result if associated with proper diet and exercise.
Benefits of the procedure
Weight loss comes in different ways. Some undergo a certain operation, take weight loss medications or go on extreme diet. A benefit of Spatz 3 adjustable balloon is that it is a non-surgical approach without the need of medication to lose weight. Weight loss also contributes to improvements in obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and other medical conditions. Insertion of Gastric balloon does not require any incisions.
Risks of the procedure
In general, gastric balloon is a very safe procedure. However as with any procedure there are risks involved.
Most often complications are moderate
- Abdominal Pain
- Nausea
- Frequent Vomiting
- Spontaneous Deflation of the Balloon
- Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux
- Gastric Ulcer
- Oesophagitis
Serious complications are rare, these includes
- Gastric Perforation
- Migration of the Balloon leading to an Intestinal Obstruction
- Oesophageal Incarceration
- Acute Pancreatits
Mortality linked to the operation (0.06% to 0.1%)
Am I a candidate?
Candidates for the Gastric Balloon must have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. Patient’s who does not accept surgical procedures will be most likely the candidates to receive Gastric Balloon. Person who is highly motivated is also a good candidate.
Person who does not have the following conditions can undergo Gastric Balloon:
- History of Gastric Surgery
- Digestive Pathology: Large Hiatus Hernias, Active Gastroduodenal Ulcers, Chron’s disease
- Serious Cognitive or Mental Disorders
- Alcoholism or Drug Addiction
- Treatment with Anti-Platelet or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s)
- Anticoagulants
The use of the Gastric Balloon may assist in reducing weight prior to surgery, therefore reducing the risks associated with surgical procedures on overweight patients.
What is required prior to surgery?
Prior to getting Gastric Balloon approved and scheduled, we require our patient to schedule an appointment with our Multi-Disciplinary Team, our team are consist of Gastroenterologist, Dietician or Endocrinologist and Intensive Care Anaesthetist. The dietician will educate about the diet changes that will be needed after the surgery. The Anaesthetist will be the one to monitor all major body functions throughout the procedures of inserting and extracting the balloon.
Two weeks prior the procedure Physician will advise the patient to take Antacids. Antacids neutralizes the gastric acid. The decision to insert the balloon must be taken after discussion and consultation with the multi-disciplinary team.
How much weight will I lose with gastric balloon?
The balloon makes it possible to lose between 10 kilograms and 25 kilograms in 1 year. It is also important for the patient to understand that the gastric balloon is a tool to aid weight loss and will provide the best result if associated with proper diet, exercise and a behavior modification program. The amount of weight you lose and maintain will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt long-term lifestyle changes.
After the insertion of Gastric Balloon
After the balloon is inserted, the stomach will have the adaptation of the presence of the newly inserted balloon. At this time patient will likely to experience discomfort, crampy abdominal, nausea or dry reaching and significant fullness or bloating in the upper abdomen.
Our Physicians will recommend medications to relieve the symptoms. Antacids is recommended and must be taken continuously for 1 year. Also, there will be a diet that needs to be followed during this period. Consultation for follow-up must be done every 4-6 weeks.
If the patient is experiencing severe side effects, it is best to contact Vejthani Hospital. Vejthani Hospital Specialist will do an assessment.
What happens if the balloon leaks?
Specialist will inject a blue colored saline inside the balloon. If the balloon leaks, you will notice that your urine will be blue. If this happens, you must inform the doctor immediately. He could remove the balloon by endoscopic route (same on how it was inserted). However, if you were not able to inform the Specialist immediately, there is a risk that the completely deflated balloon will migrate into the digestive tract and could create an intestinal obstruction.
How is the Intra-Gastric Balloon removed?
The Balloon is removed in the same way it was introduced. Removal of the balloon takes about 20-30 minutes another anesthesia.
How long is the recovery after the insertion of the balloon?
As mentioned above we require our patients who will undergo the procedure to at least stay for 2 days. We will be monitoring their condition after inserting the balloon and make sure that there is no complications after the procedure.
Can I eat normally with the balloon?
There will be a diet that needs to be followed. Your diet will be normal several days after the insertion of the balloon. You will not be able to eat as much as you want unlike before. You will immediately feel full after eating a small amount of food. Sweet and fatty foods may cause nauseousness.
What are the difference of Gastric balloon in other weight loss programs/procedures?
In Gastric Balloon you can expect to lose more weight. The balloon will produce a feeling of satiety, this will give you more control on your diet.
What are the things I should avoid after balloon insertion?
You should avoid Carbonated drinks, very strong tea and coffee. It is also advised not to eat evening meal too late and to wait for at least two hours before going to bed. Smoking on an empty stomach needs to be avoided.
When it comes to activity, It is strictly forbidden to go on scuba diving or fly in an unpressurized aircraft. The practice of combat and extreme sports is not advised in any circumstances.
For more information, please contact
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center
Tel. 02-734-0000 Ext. 2960, 2961, 2966
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