

The dermatologist will perform a skin examination and inquire about the medical history to determine whether the patient have xerosis. The patient may go over the onset of their dry skin, what causes it to get better or worse, their bathing routines, and how they take care of their skin.

Healthcare provider may recommend tests to look for medical diseases that cause dry skin depending on the severity of the symptoms, such as:

  • Allergy test: This is to determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Blood test: To check for any medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney problems.
  • Skin biopsy: a tissue sample will be gathered to check for eczema or any other skin related conditions.


The use of moisturizers and avoiding taking long, hot baths and showers are two lifestyle changes that are effective for treating dry skin. The following are treatment for xerosis:

  • Moisturizers: The primary method of treatment for the majority of dry skin conditions is moisturizer. They restore the natural skin barrier while hydrating dry skin to help prevent cracking. The chemicals in moisturizing products, which come in ointments, creams, lotions, and oils, include emollients, which calm and hydrate your skin, and hyaluronic acid, which makes your skin more moisturized.

Apply moisturizer often throughout the day, especially when the skin feels dry and shortly after taking a shower or washing the hands. Patient might have to try a few items before they find things they enjoy, that are useful to them, and that they will use frequently. To determine the ideal products for the skin type and condition, discuss it with the healthcare provider.

  • Medications: Healthcare provider may recommend a topical steroid, which works to lessen the inflammation of the skin that results in a rash and itching. If the patient have excessively dry skin that is itchy then patient may use lotion with hydrocortisone. Oral or injectable medicine may be necessary in extreme situations.
  • Other remedies: A portable humidifier for the house will provide moisture to the air, which is especially important for sensitive skin because hot, dry indoor air can irritate it and make peeling and itching worse.
    Patients may also select for skin-friendly fabrics. Cotton and other natural fabrics help the skin to breathe. Despite being natural, wool can occasionally irritate even healthy skin.
  • Patient may avoid using laundry detergents that contain dyes or scents because they can hurt their skin.
  • Patient may look for the word “free” at the name of these products.
  • The natural oils in your skin are removed by using hot water and lengthy showers or baths. Limiting the time for no more than once per day and for no more than 5–10 minutes should someone take a bath.
  • Try using a non-soap cleansing lotion or shower gel in the shower or bath, and only use soap in places like the groin and armpits when necessary. Rinse well, then pat yourself dry.
  • Use hypoallergenic (fragrance-free) moisturizing soap when washing your hands. Then, while your hands are still damp, apply a moisturizing cream.

Seek medical help or a dermatologist about developing a customized skin care regimen depending on the skin type and any existing skin conditions if these steps fail to relieve the symptoms or if they worsen.