Vitamin deficiency anemia


You might undergo blood tests that look for the following to help detect vitamin deficient anemias:

  • The quantity of folate and vitamin B-12 in the blood
  • Having intrinsic factor antibodies, which denotes pernicious anemia
  • The red blood cell’s appearance and quantity


Treatment for vitamin deficiency anemia involves administering dosages of the missing vitamin. Vitamin B-12 is often administered by injection to treat pernicious anemia, and it may be necessary to continue taking it frequently for the rest of your life.

Several types of vitamin B12 or folate supplements are available, such as oral tablets, injections into the muscle or just under the skin, dissolvable liquid or pill placed under the tongue, as well as a nasal spray or gel.

Most medications to increase folate levels are pills that must be consumed, but others can be administered intravenously.